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*Y/Ns POV*

Another day in New York city, not the greatest place when it came to people but still, okay. Today was another long day, a busy one at that. I worked as a museum tour guide where I told people of history and so on. I liked my job and my boss said I would be transfered to Washington DC in Columbia to work at a bigger, better place. Of course of all days, I had packing, if work wasn't hard enough! I went to the bathroom putting my H/C hair in a messy bun and but on a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of pants along with some old boots. I start packing and going into all the dusty "unknown" parts of my house, greeeat. I clean out my room and repaint the wall trying to make it look nicer than before I moved in. I decided after painting I'd go downstairs and look around, the people who lived here before me left some old stuff that I'd never touched so, why not now? I go downstairs still in my dusty, grimy attire and go through the boxes that were left. I found alot of letters, tons of books, an old army suit which seemed to date back to the 1700s, and an old gun. I look over the things in amazement, "How could all this be that old and still in good shape?" I murmur to myself quietly before looking at a letter. It read "Dear Sir,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into the pockets of men like me down on their luck see that was my wife you decided to-". "Oh fuck" I shout quickly realizing what I was reading, it was the letter to Alexander Hamilton from Mr. James Reynolds! How, how could something so important in history be in "my" basement? I looked through the other things and it seemed they were all linked together, that was until I saw a dress. It was in great condition, it was a navy blue color and had a beautiful floral pattern on the skirt, the sleeves only went to the elbows. I looked at it before taking it in my hands feeling the silky material something came over me, I needed to try it on. I took it upstairs looking for a pair of flats finding some black ones and then got undressed. I carefully stepped into the dress bringing it up my body and zipping in up in the back I put my flats on and add an antique gold pocket watch necklace as an accessory. I look in the mirror, and the present is clear, and there's no denying I'm just- *crash* the loud noise brings me back to reality as I try not to tear up seeing the person in the mirror that looks so much more than I ever could be. I quickly rush downstairs seeing the stack of letters scattered amongst the ground. I start to pick them up as I hear a voice, "May I help you miss?" I look up and I see, "Oh my stars"

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