it's near the end of October and 6th form is due to start next week, I hate to say it but I've lost my hope on seeing dad again and I have gone completely down hill I look worse than the local homless person and I haven't left me suite since about 3 days after my 6th form introduction day, I ran out of milk so I cleaned myself up and went to the store, as I was coming back through the lobby joyce was at reception.
"ramona can you cover please?"
"why not a few weeks ago you was asking for jobs"
"well I don't want them now"
"so you're suddenly not bored of being alone anymore"
"I'm used to it now"
"and you haven't been out of the suite In ages either"
"and?" I snapped
"when your father gets back I will be telling him about your disgusting attitude"
"good luck with that cause he is never coming back none of them are!"
"don't be silly they will be back soon the ashes are clearing up so it's safe for flights"
"they was obviously on that flight"
"how do you know?"
"cause they would of been able to answer their phones but they haven't"
"that doesn't mean they're dead"
"it's highly likely that they are, so guess what you got what you wanted the full management of the hotel I hope you're happy!" I shout and walk up the stairs
"ramona I don't want that and they will be back soon"
I stopped and looked at her "whatever you never got in with janey you always went ahead and done what you wanted to do to" I shouted, luckily the lobby is empty.
"ok maybe I don't consult janey but I certainly don't want full management"
"you do now just get on with your new job"
"ramona I know you're missing your father but he will be home soon I promise"
"no he won't dad is dead and I'm forever alone and will end up in care within the next few weeks" I cried and ran up to the suite, I got in and went straight to my bed and cuddled up to a blouse that dad never got round to washing so it still had his scent on it "I love you dad and I'll never forget you and you too rex and janey" I said and carried on crying, I look up and it's dark outside and I'm still crying. I sensed someone stood in the doorway but I kept my back facing them "joyce go away and leave me alone" I shouted and I heard footsteps come closer
"mona it's me" roll over and dad is sat on the edge of the bed
"dad is that you?" I asked and touched his face
"yeah it's me" I burst out crying again and wrapped my arms around him then I pulled away
"is this a dream?"
"no silly" I pinched my arm and I woke up, I looked at the clock '3:15pm'
"for once couldn't it just been real" I sat there and thought about the whole day so far, I went to look for joyce to say sorry I took it out on her and I really shouldn't of done that. when I got back to the suite I layed on the couch and watched the music channels, I fell asleep and I woke up at about half 1am when I went to bed I heard something by the door I quickly ran into my room and grabbed something to be a weapon a fountain pen yes I know is silly but it's all I could find. I watched this figure walk in and put a case on the couch and then he headed my way, I quickly ran and jumped in my bed and cuddled up to dad's blouse for dear life, I was facing the wall and the light came on and then I felt this person kiss my head and I know that kiss I turned over "dad?" he turned around and my tears froze it was dad I pinched my arm and it wasn't a dream
"mona" dad smiled and sat on the edge of the bed and hugged me, I cried on his shoulder
"I thought you was on that flight"
"I got offered but we said no, I tried ringing you but my signal was low"