Chapter 12

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It seemed like forever until there was a knock on the door. I didn’t think Mom would be back yet, seeing as she was with Mrs. Keller and she could talk forever. I rose from the bed and opened the door. There he stood, the man I couldn’t get out of my mind. Chase Lovelace. I stood there gaping like a fish. He looked ten times better than I remembered.

 I closed my mouth and stepped aside, letting him in.

 “Hey.” I said.

On the phone I had sounded more confident but now that he was here in front of me I felt like a bowl full of jelly.

 “You died your hair.” He said holding a lock of it between his fingers.

 “Yeah, it’s black now.” I said nervously taking a step back.

 I took a seat on the small sofa and patted the seat beside me telling him to sit with me. He sat down and tried to smile at me. I knew he felt awkward, because so did I. I was about to say something when a very familiar face appeared in the doorway. Taken she now had bleach blonde hair and several facial piercings, but I would know her anywhere.

 “How’d you get here?” I exclaimed jumping up.

“Do I know you?” She asked raising an eyebrow that did not match her hair.

“Halley you know exactly who I am!” I felt my hands start to shake.

 Then the memory of that night came flooding back to me.

 “Come on Day.” Danny begged me.

“No, I am not having sex with you in your dealer’s house.” I said scooting away.

There was a loud crash and people shouting in the next room. I jumped up and went to see if Halley an Josh were okay.

 Josh had gotten the dealer onto the floor and Halley stood over him with a gun in her had. She was about to pull the trigger when I knocked her to the floor. The gun went off and I heard a loud scream. The dealer had been shot.

No one moved for what felt like a long time until sirens sounded in the distance. Suddenly the gun was shoved in my hands and everyone but the dealer and I ran out of the trashy little trailer. The sirens got closer and closer until blue and red lights shone through the window. I didn’t know what to do, but I ran out the door with the damned gun still in my hands.

As soon as I got outside the police had their guns pointed at me.

 “Drop the gun!” One of them shouted.

 I dropped it and took off running. I saw a fence, if I could get over it then-

I was tackled to the ground and my hands were roughly put behind my back and into cuffs. I saw my friends but they didn’t move to help me. I barely heard the officer read me my rights as he shoved me into the back of his cruiser.

I came back to the present to come face to face to the end of a shiny metal gun so close to my face it made my eyes cross. I didn’t need to see to know that Chase was behind me.

 “Don’t move Lovelace or Day gets it right between the eyes.” Halley said her dark brown eyes sparkling in excitement.

This bitch was crazy!

 “What are you doing here?” I asked gulping down my fear, “You’re supposed to be in jail.”

 “I don’t like jail and my rich as fuck uncle found a way to bust me out so I’m living here with him now.” as she spoke she waved the gun around making me even more terrified.

 “Quit waving that God damned gun around!” Chase shouted.

 “Why?” she said faking innocence, “Does it scare you?”

“Baily put the gun down,” Chase said, “If you love me like you said-“

 Halley laughed loudly and some of her spit flew into my face.

 “My name is Halley Richards by the way.” She said, “I love Danny and this bitch took me away from him.”

 She shook the gun in my face causing me to flinch. She glowered at me with such hatred that it made me wonder how in the hell I ever called her my best friend.

 “There’s no love with drugs.” I said “There’s only sex and well, drugs.”

 She stepped forward putting the cold metal of the gun to my forehead. I saw her finger tighten on the trigger. I closed my eyes as tightly as they could and waited for her to shoot me dead.

 The gun went off and I heard thud along with a groan of pain. I wanted to open my eyes to see if Chase was alright but I kept them shut. The gun went off again and an indescribable pain shot through my left side. I collapsed to the floor. I could feel my blood seeping out of my side making me feel dizzy. I opened my eyes as Halley brought the gun to her head. I closed them just as the shot went off. Warm liquid spattered my face. It took all I had not to puke as darkness overtook me.

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