My Secret Love Song

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Here I was, on a plane with the voices of my best friends voices filling my head. I loved plane rides, but I really just wanted to land. I was flying back to London to return home to live with my best friends, and brother by adoption. Those people were Zayn Malik my brother, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Harry Styles. I had been away for a year studying in America. There were some really nice people there, but I missed my boys. Oh my boys. I thought of them every day. Of course we Skyped and stuff but it wasn’t the same as seeing them face-to-face. I loved them all so much! I smiled at just the thought of hugging all my brothers and Harry. Ok so maybe I liked Harry…not that I would ever tell him that. I had liked him since the XFactor. I locked and turned on my iPhone too see their beautiful faces looking up at me from my lock screen.

“Attention passengers. We are going to be landing soon. We ask you all to buckle your seat belts, and we thank you for riding with us.” The sickly sweet voice of the flight attendant filled the plane. I usually hated flight attendants but that was the best sound I had ever heard. I was bouncing up in down in my seat, ready to get off this stupid plane! I reluctantly turned off One Thing that was blasting in my ears and began to put away all the stuff that had been entertaining me. There were my books, iPhone, and most importantly my notebook. Well really it was a songbook.

The book where I pour out my heart into semi-rhyming words and notes. It all started when I sat in on my best friend’s, Amy, music class. I was asked to sing and they pretty much forced me to join the class. Now, it’s my favorite class. It wasn’t a choir, it taught you to write songs, put them to music, dance, and play any instruments you would need to perform. So I became a performer, kind of. I was originally going to be a teacher, but that now sounds really boring.

Not that I would ever tell the guys that. They are famous; I would sound awful to them. Their voices are so gorgeous. They would laugh at me if I ever sang to them. So I decided to never tell the guys, keep it to myself, sing in private. Just as I was thinking this I felt the plane jerk toward the ground. I quickly pulled out gum and chew furiously knowing that my ears would pop and I would be mentally complaining about it later. I watched out the window as we descended and landed with a thud.

First class was dismissed first, thank god! The boys had refused to let me fly back with the crappy seats I had and forced me to take the first class tickets they had bought. I quickly slung my bag over my shoulder and rushed out before anyone else could get in front of me. I rushed towards baggage claim and grabbed my bright blue suitcase as it came on the converter belt thing. I walked towards the gate where everyone that was picking up someone was required to wait for that person to get off the plane.

Then I saw them, starting with Harry’s curly brown hair, then all the rest of them. They were all in a circle facing each other, wearing disguises so fans wouldn’t attack them. As I got closer I heard them arguing.    

“Guys, I’m her brother. I get to hug her first.” I heard Zayn say, sounding superior.

“I am her best friend! She will want to hug me first!” Louis shouted out.

“Sorry Carrot Lover, I am her best friend, I get first hug.” Liam stated firm.

“Guys, why are we even fighting? I get first hug, isn’t obvious!” Niall shouted out.

I just stood there as they interrupted each other with reasons why they should get first hug. Aww, they were really too cute. Then I decided to interrupt.

“Sorry to burst your bubbles boys, but I think that I should get first hug.” I said causing all their heads to whip around. Before I knew it I was engulfed in a huge hug from two very strong arms.

“HA! Yes, I win!” Harry shouted out as he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled as he finally set me down and looked into my eyes.

“Missed you Hazza.” I whispered to him, forcing down a blush and probably failing.

“Missed you too, Hails.” He whispered back before I was whisked into the arms of my brother Zayn.

Yes I am adopted. My parents really aren’t the best people in the world, don’t like to talk about them, but they are dead now. Yes I am sensitive about it! I was put in a foster home before being adopted by the Malik’s, which was the best thing that ever happened to me ever. I watched Zayn go through the X-Factor and he became the big over protective brother I had always needed. I met the band and became like their little sister. My life did a complete 180˚. I am really eternally in debt to the Malik’s.

“Love you sisi.” He said while refusing to let go of me, rocking me back and forth, my head buried in his shoulder. We stayed like that until we heard Liam shout out.

“Share the Love, Zayn!” I was pulled into another pair of arms. “Well hello princess!” Liam grinned down at me. Yes he called me princess, always had and probably always will. I loved the nickname honestly. I was about to respond when I was thrown over another boy’s shoulder.

“YOU’RE BACK!!!” I heard Louis shout out as he ran around me over his shoulder, me half-laughing-half-screaming as he did so. When he finally put me down I was so dizzy I feel backwards into Niall, who took the chance to great me in his adorable Irish accent and hug me enough to crush my bones.

“Well… come on! I kind of want to hear from my boys how being teenage heartthrobs is! Come on!!” I said dragging Harry and Zayn by the hands. They just laughed and Louis one again picked me up and all the boys raced to the car. 

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