Chapter 20

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Not only is this CHapter TWENTY!!!! But its super duper long! By far longest chapter yet! I hope you guys like it, sorry for the late update! 

Please keep on voting I'm doing pretty good in the Watty Awards and its all thanks you you guys! I love y'all!!! <3 

This chapter has a sad flashback.. warning. I got teary while writing.

Dedicated to BelindaWang who told me i made the whats hot list!! :D :D :D AHH GUYS I'M SO HAPPY

Read on guys, you deserve this chapter!! <3


Hailey’s POV

I sighed as I hang up the phone with Connor. How was I going to manage all this? My brother thinks I’m a… you know, my boyfriend almost hit my brother, I’m missing my anniversary over seas.

Its not the normal anniversary you think of. Its not like ‘we started dating.’ Or ‘we got married’. Nope its my first performance. October 24th, 2011 was the first time I had ever performed on stage. It was also Connor’s 1st anniversary he started October 24th, 2010. On his first anniversary got a custom microphone. We always get a special thing on our first anniversary and 4 because that’s the long we at  the college. Except for me of coarse. It was also the day Connor asked out Amy Folly, my best friend.

Amy is a great girl. She is my best friend in America and my roommate. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous. But when I met her she was a little… umm.. sluttly. I know that sounds mean but she told me had not be with a total of only 20 guys on the whole campus, Connor being one of those guys. She never brought guys back to our room, but I saw her come home looking satisfied, covered in hickeys, and messy hair. It was obvious. But Connor chased after her. And slowly, she stopped sleeping with guys. I remember when she told me she had stopped thinking about guys. She told me she had had a dream about Connor. I was thrilled, and told Connor. So what, I broke girl code. Oh well. That same night he sang to her and asked her out and she said yes, then I came out and sang with a smile on my face for the first time. It was one of the best nights ever at college.

And now I was going to miss the anniversary of it, I was rally upset. There was a lot of stress on me right not and it was becoming unbearable. I hear my stomach grumble and groaned. I did not want to go downstairs right now. At all.

I had been so upset for the past day. The same words kept running though my head. ‘Is what Zayn said true? Does he think that? Does everyone think that?’ I may be paranoid, but I guess that’s just what happens. I had 4 flashbacks and they are heart wrenching. Remembering the past the flashbacks will continue for the next 2 or 3 days, which will be pure torture. I knew I could suffer through it though. I had since I was 13 and got adopted. I only had then when something triggered me now though, one of the big ones being that word. Or seeing people get hit which is why seeing Harry about to punch Zayn absolutely broke me. That was the worst flashback.



I was sitting in my room, around 6 years old, playing with a doll. It was blonde and blue eyes and I called it Hallie because it looked like me. I was brushing her hair and making her clothes out of what wouldn’t fit me. As I sat there braiding her hair I started talking to her.

“One day we are going to be like the movie stars! I am going to be pretty like them and we will live in a big house with everything we could have and do ever want! We could have dresses and toys and friends too! Then maybe mommy and daddy will love us! And we can buy daddy more of that stuff he drinks, and make mommy happy again!” I say thinking of my future when I heard my dad slam the door. “ Oh, hide Hallie! Daddy is home!” I quickly went and put her under a box in my room and sat on my bed like I was told to whenever he got home.  He opened my door and watched him as he stumbled in.

“Good girl, sitting just like daddy asked.”

“Yes Daddy.” I said looking down at my hands knowing it was best not to look at him when I spoke. I heard him chuckle and I was suddenly pushed roughly backwards and off the bed. I looked up confused and in pain “Daddy?”

“Don’t make a sound.” He told me and began to hit me. Hard.

This went on for about 30 minutes before he walked out. I laid there on the floor in pain before crawling over and finding my doll and whispering. “Don’t worry, I know things will be gooder one day.” Then feel asleep curled up next to my doll.

End Flashback

Then I realized I was going to go freaking anorexic if I didn’t go downstairs right now. So I threw a new shirt and sweats on, wiped my tears and began to slowly walk down the stairs. I’m sure the guys heard me coming because when I reached the living room they were all standing and looking at the door. My eyes found Zayn’s and I saw he washolding white roses and I looked down while running a hand through my hair.


I didn’t look up. I couldn’t. It seemed impossible at the moment. So I just sat there and stared at my feet, wiggling my toes around. It was silent. Until the most unexpected thing happened. Zayn walked up to me and hugged me. I just froze for a second until he started to rock back and forth, just like the airport, just like when I first met him all those years ago, an every hug in between. I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly and let out a shaky sigh, willing tears not to fall.

“I’m so sorry sisi. I was so wrong. You are not anything bad at all. You are just perfect and I am so so sorry. It wasn’t me talking to you that time, you know that. I love you too much to hurt you like that.” I nodded into his shoulders when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Harry standing there. I smiled slightly.

“My turn.” He said and I was ripped from Zayn’s arms into the protective arms of my boyfriend. Then I remember the vision of him almost hitting my brother and tensed up. And he noticed. “I know babe, I didn’t hit him. Trust me. I’m sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to, I was just so mad that he had made you cry. But its all ok now, I promise.” I started to relax slightly and he kissed my neck and I feel into him completely . He hugged me tightly for about a minute until Louis picked my up and kissed my cheek.

“Glad to have you back!” He said with a smile.

“Yea—“ Niall said but was cut off by the food in his mouth.

I smiled and laughed for the first time in days. Then my stomach grumbled.

“Yeah guys… I haven’t eaten anything in about 2 days soo…” I trailed off as Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen while the other boys ran with us. He stopped for a second and kissed my quickly but passionately.

“I love you so much Hailey.” He said before continuing to make me food with the rest of the boys.

It’s good to be back. 


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