Chapter 3

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I turned around to see my songbook in the hands of my brother, Zayn Malik.

“Er… I uhh... no I mean… give it back!” I ended up saying walking up to him trying to snatch it back but he held it above his head. “Zayn please!”

“When were you planning to tell us?” He asked.

“Can I explain everything later, when the rest of the guys aren’t around? Please I promise I can sing for you and everything!” What did I just agree to?

“Fine, but you have a lot to explain Hailey.” He handed back to me and I gave him the biggest hug ever.

“I will later, when I’ve unpacked and we are alone.” Then I smiled and ran upstairs to unpack.

I ran upstairs to see the boys throwing stuff around my lime green and baby blue room. All my bags were opened and overturned with the contents spilling everywhere. The guys were throwing my clothes at each other, including underwear and bras. The bed was unmade and being used as a fort for Liam and Louis to hide behind while Harry and Niall attacked them from on top of it.

The room was the same way I remember it. Lime green walls with blue dots on one wall and vice versa on the other; the other two were either solid green or blue.  Fuzzy white carpet and green and blue bed, also fuzzy. And my 1D posters and personal photos covered the walls.

The only different thing now was the boys having a clothing war in it.

“Having fun?” I said loud enough for them all to hear. They all stopped in positions that I had to laugh. Nail had turned his head sideways to look at me while on his knees with his arms above his and protecting him self. Liam was in a squat about to jump off the bed to attack Naill. Harry was straddling Louis holding a pair of sweatpants in each hand.

Liam decided to speak up first. “Louis started it.”

“Did not!”

This of course resulted in a huge war over who started the fight and somehow Zayn even joined in taking Niall’s side. I face palmed my self but grinned at their child-ish-ness nonetheless.

“I don’t care who’s fault it is. Go get me food and I’ll clean up. I’ll start my dinner tomorrow night.” I knew the boys loved my food and they all groaned.

“But you’re food is SO GOOD!” Niall whined. Boy really is obsessed with food.

“Too bad… GO!” They all sulked out of the room and I set to work putting all the stuff that they had messed up. I made my bed and put all my bags into my closet before grabbing about half a million hangers and getting to work hanging up shirts and stuff. I plugged in my iPod and put in on shuffle and listened to all my favorite songs. I had the Up All Night Deluxe Album so all the boys songs came on. I was dancing and cleaning at the same time when my music stopped and I heard a “Sup?” come from my phone.

I jumped up and ran towards my phone, pausing I Want and looking down at the text from Conner. He had recorded himself saying “Sup?” and somehow made it his text tone. I loved it.

Hey Hails, how’s London beautiful :) xx


I smiled and replied back quickly

Amazing, wish you were here. You and Amy would love it! Xx


I somehow managed to listen to music, dance around my room, resist the urge to sing my lungs out, clean, and text at the same time for the next hour while I heard the boys order pizza instead of cooking. Oh well, pizza for one night is fine.

“HAILS? WE ORDERED PIZZA… WE CAN’T COOK! BUT ITS HERE SO GET YOUR SELF DOWN HERE!” I giggled at Niall and his rush for the food.

The boys ordered pizza. Loves, talk to you later :P xx


I sent my final text to Conner and went downstairs.


When I walked downstairs I saw a barbeque chicken pizza laying out on the table, my guilty pleasure.  

“Have I ever told you how much I love you guys? Cause it’s A LOT!” I said reaching for the biggest slice of pizza on the plate.

“We know!” They all chorused simultaneously and I settled down on the couch in front of the TV to spend the rest of the night with my boys watching some stupid move that none of us knew.

I couldn’t wish for better.

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