Chapter 15 <3

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Happy Saturday! Here's the new chapter for you guys! Thanks for all the amazing feedback you guys give me it legit makes my day reading y'alls comments. 

This chapter is dedicated to Annabear2ever because of her sweet comments and for her being my 'number one fan'! Thanks for reading love! 

Alrighty then, read on and I'll see you Wednesday!! I might actually be at the beacj but I promise a new chapter before next Saturday ok? I'm sorry if I'm letting you guys down!


Hailey’s POV 

“STRIKE!” Harry shouted at my face in the empty bowling alley. He had to rent out the whole place out so we wouldn’t get ambushed. I groaned playfully and smacked his arm. 

“How can I suck this badly at something as simple as bowling?” I groaned plopping my head onto his shoulder as he just wrapped an arm around me.

“Come on I can show you love.” He said, taking the lightest bowling ball he could find and standing behind me. 

I carefully took the ball from him and set it up with my fingers in the holes (OMG..). Harry put one hand on mine with the ball and the other on my hip. I looked over my shoulder at him and he just smiled. 

“Here so you walk up, pull your arm back and…” We threw the ball down the lane together. All the pins knocked down but one that kept on rocking back and forth. Until finally it fell. 

“OH MY GOD!” I squealed. Hey, that was my first strike ever in bowling don’t judge. I spun around and basically jumped on Harry who stumbled back, but managed to catch me. After that he burst out laughing at my enthusiasm and began to spin us around. I just giggled until he stopped and kissed me. It was another one of the romantic and passionate yet gentle kisses that had my head spinning. When he finally set me down he put his forehead against mine. 

“I love you, you know that right?” He whispered starring right into my eyes. 

“I know, I love you too.” I whispered back. He smiled at me then took my hand and brought me over to the table. You know those little tables in the middle of each lane where you sit if it isn’t your turn? He managed to set it up all fancy. He had a little white table cloth on it and a rose and candles. It looks like a really fancy dinner except we were eating tacos. It seems totally lame except it was perfect. I mean Harry and I aren’t exactly a normal couple. He is a celebrity and I am just a girl and out whole relationship has to be kept in the shadows. We shouldn’t have a normal first date with us being a couple like that. 

We just sat and ate our tacos just joking around for a while. We talked about everything and anything. Until Harry pulled out his phone all of a sudden.

“Take our you phone.” He told me and I did what he said. 

“I’ve always wanted to do this.” He said, excitement in his voice. He leaned over the table and kissed. I was so lost in the kiss I barley noticed the snap of a camera. 

“Wait a sec.” He looked at the picture and smiled. “Perfect now when I pull away this time stay there.” He told me and kissed me. When he pulled away I stayed exactly how I was and I heard him take a pic. 

“Now you do me.” He said, I giggled and leaned in and kissed him but when I pulled away he pulled me back in. When I finally managed to pull away I took a photo quickly. When I was done it took my phone and made it my background and made me his. Then he put our phones together and it looked like we were kissing. 

“Aww…” I looked at us and kissed his jaw. He just wrapped his arm around my waist before I realized something. 

“When’s our one month anniversary?” I asked unlocking my phone and checking the calendar. 

“It would be 31 days after today…” I said and clicked the date. “Oh my gosh… its my birthday!” I said while looking up at him smiling. 

“Well that just makes the day extra special then.” He said smiling right back. He kissed me and grabbed my phone out of my hand he took a little remote from his pocket and pressed a button. Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

Before I knew it we were slow dancing in the middle of a bowling alley, the lights dim, just me and him. We danced through the whole song, not breaking eye contact once. 

During the last chorus he leaned down and kissed me, it was a perfect moment to me. After he pulled away he smiled. 

“That’s our song now, its perfect.” I nodded and kissed him again. 

What a perfect first date. 


Once again, thanks for reading! Love you guys! Hope you enjoyed! I might not have a chapter up Wednsday because of the beach :( but I will get a chapter up next week! Thank you all again. Comment, Vote, Fan maybe??

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