Chapter 49

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Next update. They are coming a lot slower becuase of the musical I'm in. Opening week this week :D :D AHHH

I love you all for sticking with me. I'm actually in rehersal though so I don't have time to look for a dedication so I LOVE YOU ALLL


~~ All I know since yesterday has changed


I waited anxiously for the all clear and when I got it I slumped back into the wall with a smile on my face. I was done. I was actually done.

I picked myself up, quickly exiting the booth to be greeted by cheers from Ryse and all five boys, along all the people working in the booth with us. I smiled and giggled a little, sleepy as hell and walked over to Ryse for a quick hug and the ‘go home’ then made my way over to the boys.

Niall made the first jab, with a hug and a kiss to the cheek. “You pulled it off Hails.”

Louis came next. “And you didn’t die!”

Harry and Zayn slapped his arms at the same time as he cringed and I laughed.

“Well its true.” Liam said taking me in his arms. “Great job Hailey, impressive work.”

After he let go Zayn took me into his famous rocking hug, swinging my back and forth humming the occasional congratulations. I smiled digging my head into his shoulder letting myself relax for the first time in a month and a half.

Soon I was ripped out off Zayn’s arms and felt lips press against mine, ignoring the sound of 4 grumbling boys leaving the room. I smiled feeling the same shock as always as I moved my lips with his.

He pulled back after a while locking his eyes with mine. “You really are amazing you know?”

I just shook my head, leaning my body into his wanting the contact I had so desperately been craving but not been able to have or enjoy.

“When are you going to tell them?”

Ryse spoke from behind us as I turned t face him.

“Tell who what?” I asked him skeptically.

“Tell the fans about you two. Ever even thought about going public?” He asked.

I looked up at Harry. “I’ve thought about it for sure and by the look on Hailey’s face I’m guessing she has to.” He explained to him.

It was true. I had never been able to wrack up the nerve to talk to Harry about telling the Directioners and all my fans. No matter how bad I wanted to be abe to hug him and hold hands where ever the heck we wanted I had just never had the guts to talk to him about it.

Ryse shrugged. “Do it this week – over a twitcam.” He said casually.

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