Chapter 23

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Dedicated to AlexandraRuth whose comment made my friends and I's day! Thanks love!!!! 

Read on guys, hope you enjoy!! (BTW no judging in advance!)


 Harry’s POV

I stormed of Hailey’s room and down the stairs. I went right into the living room and plopped down on a chair and ran my hands through my hair.

“Hey mate did you ask Hail- what’s wrong?” Louis said walking in and sitting on the couch next to me.

“No, I didn’t ask Hailey she was to busy missing Connor.” I replied with a scowl. He looked a little shocked and leaned back.

“What?” He asked and looked at me as I took a breath.

“I went up to ask her if she had a place to stay and I saw her looking up at the ceiling all upset. I went and asked her what was wrong like the good boy friend I am, and she told me she missed singing and performing with Connor.”

He looked unchanged at my story. “And…?”

“Shes upset up there about another guy. I’m her boyfriend and you guys are right down here, why is she so sad? She has all she needs boy wise right down here.” I said and leaned back, angry.

“What did you say to her?” I heard Zayn say from the door.

“I told her to stop talking to him.” I said looking him in the eye.

“That’s totally ridiculous!”

“Why? She’s constanstly talking to another guy that’s not you guys or me! That’s wrong! They aren’t even here!” I said growing more and more mad by the second.

“Let me explain something Harry.” Louis cut in and both of us lookd at him. “We are a big part of her life, and I totally agree with you, we should be the biggest. We are her brothers, you are her boyfriend and we love her. That’s what matters. But we have our career, which is also another huge part of our lives, and we include Hailey. We have to give a lot, if not MORE, attention to singing and One Direction.”

“Ok, so what?” I say, fustuarted and not getting the point, distracted by the faint sound of guitar from upstairs.

“Singing is also a big part of her life. A part that CONNOR started. No matter how much we want to, I don’t think she will ever let us completely into that side of her. I’ve only heard her sing once.”

I thought about it. There was the time she showed us her voice, the time with Umbrella in my room and…

“I’ve heard her twice.” I say just now realizing how little I had heard her sing.

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