Chapter 6

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Harry’s POV

Damn you Niall. 

That was all I could think as I recalled the wonderful event that happened a week ago today. Starring up into those beautiful, hypnotizing blue eyes, feeling the beat of her heart against my chest, her golden hair tickling my face, and my lips so, so close to her soft pink ones.

Then the lemonade spill had to ruin it all, thanks to my food loving Irish best friend.

I couldn’t help but think back to the time when I first met her. She seemed so shy back then, I remember her just staring at the ground while we all talked backstage at the XFactor. Looking into those beautiful blue eyes for the first time. Everything about her was perfect. 

I had wanted her since day one. So again I have to say, DAMN YOU NIALL HORAN.

I was going to try my hardest to get her, as hard as I possibly could. I had been trying to see if she felt the same way about me all week. Holding her hand, putting my arm around she shoulder and she always reacted the same way. She blushed, that perfect face of hers turning bright pink. That meant she liked me.

Right? Ugh, women so confusing. 

But I wanted to be able to understand her, something I had never cared about doing before now. I was tired of sleeping around; I just wanted her. I couldn’t be the cheeky flirty boy I usually was with her. I just couldn’t bring myself to be cocky around her, she kept me down to earth. 

I looked over at my clock and groaned. 1am and no sleep yet. I just couldn’t get her off my mind. 

I loved how she would always be there even if we didn’t want her to be. Even when we needed space we always knew she would be there if needed. I’m guessing why her time in America was such torture. Knowing we didn’t have access to her 24/7. We were all so blessed to have her. 

I got butterflies as I thought of the big concert we were doing. It’s not really the concert I was nervous about but the fact that she would be there. I always wanted to do my best job when she was there. She deserved to see the best concert of her life ever night we performed and if I had anything to do with it, she would. 

I wonder if the fans would like her? No one knew about her. They knew about Zayn’s real sibling but we had not told the public about her yet. We had all talked about it as a band and we knew the hate she would get would be unbearable. She was gorgeous and hung out with all of us all the time, some fans would hate her. Eventually we will show her off but for now she’s our little secret. 

My mind drifted back to out almost kiss as I drifted to sleep. 

Hailey’s POV 

I couldn’t stop thinking about him! 

His hair, his eyes, his smirk, his never-ending torso, just HIM. After the whole kiss thing and the week we had had I couldn’t help it. We had been touching in some way shape or form all week. I had been holding his hand, he had his arm around my shoulder, we were side my side on the couch with our legs touching. Like I said constant contact. DO you know how many times I had blushed in the past 7 days! If you don’t it’s a LOT. 

Just then my alarm rang. SHIT! I quickly turned it off and listened to see if any of the boys are moving but I heard nothing. I sighed in relief and pulled my songbook out of the side table. I sat down and tried to keep writing. 

I'd never gone with the wind

Just let it flow

Let it take me where it wants to go to

You open the door

There's so much more

I've never seen it before

I was trying to fly

But I couldn't find wings

But you came along and you changed everything

You lift my feet off the ground

You spin me around 

You make me crazier, crazier 

I was stuck, then I thought about Harry and the moment we shared and- 

It feels like I’m falling and I

I’m lost in your eyes

You make me crazier, crazier 

I've watched from a distance as you made life your own

Every sky was your own kind of blue

And I wanted to know how that would feel

And you made it so real

You showed me something that I couldn't see

You opened my eyes

And you made me believe

I was scribbling away, the song finally coming together when Zayn walked in. I was beyond surprised because it was like 5 in the morning and Zayn likes to sleep but he just came over and sat down next to me. 

“Good morning Hails!” He said with way too much pep.

“Cut to the chase, what do you want?” I asked and he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Haha know him too well.

“Well…ummm…you see… Whatever Hailey will you…?”

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