Chapter 31

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Alright guys! Chapter here! YAYAY! 

Just in case you can't figure it out, Connor's voice is Jason Mraz. It seemed perfect for now and for what I have planned later :D 

Chapter dedicated to iminmyownwonderland who left a ton of wonderful comments and said she would go outside and dance in crocs if I updated... I want pictures :P (JK LOL PLEASE DON'T)

Well read on lovely people! 


Harry’s POV

“Good luck boys.”


When the voicemail ended I felt guilt wash over me. She was leaving? Just like that?

I got up and went to my room, shutting the door and laying down on my bed. Thinking back this is exactly what I had done when I first heard her sing. That made my heart crack even more. I was regretting everything. But I couldn’t tell them the truth now, they would be so mad. They might even kick me out of the band. But now I don’t have a change to make it up to her, make her mine again. She was off to Atlanta, with Connor. That thought made me stop.

She’s with Connor. They are best friends. Both of them heartbroken. With only each other to lean on and trust. Hailey and I were together. We were best freinds. Both of us exploring true love for the first time, with only each other to trust. If history replays itself… then… just maybe..

Images flashed in my mind of Connor and Hailey together as I rolled over and pressed my face in a pillow to stop a scream, this couldn’t be happening. This can’t be happening. I can’t imagine seeing Hailey with someone else, ever. It will kill me. It will always be her for me. And if its not always me for her then I don’t know what I’d do.

With all these terrible thoughts I let my self slip into a nightmare. A nightmare of my girl. MY girl. My gorgeous, perfect, innocent, sparkling girl.  With someone else.


Hailey’s POV

We will be remembered.

 I ended Long Live, the last song on my second album as I saw Ryse call it a wrap from outside, and Connor stand up clapping. I smiled as took off my earphones, stepping out of the booth and into the arms of Connor.

“That was absolutely gorgoues Hails!” He screamed spinning us around as I laughed. After I was put down Ryse came over to hug me.

“I don’t know how you did it, but you recorded to albums in a month.” He said, seeming as shocked as the others that were running my tech booth.

Let me fill you in, over the last month it was released that I had moved from London, had been signed and no longer talked to the boys of One Direction. It was a big shock for everyone and it blew up the media for those first two weeks. After it all died down I got myself in the recording studio.

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