Chapter 19

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Thanks for all the feed back guys love you all! KEEP VOTING!!!! I really hope you like this chapter!! 

BTW my updating shedule is WENSDAY AND SATURDAY! A lot of people have been asking lately!! 

Dedicated to SarahFery because I like her comments and I think she deserves a dedication!

Read on LOVES!! 


Zayn’s POV

I stood there starring at Harry. God the situation is all such bullshit. People were overacting, Hailey is upstairs in tears. Harry is so obviously pissed off at me. The best of the band is just standing around not knowing what to do. This is so fucked up! All because of a stupid decision I made. Maybe it had been because I hadn’t smoked in a while, it might have been the lack of sleep or the hangover, but that was NOT me talking to my sister. I would never do that.

We all turned when we saw Liam walk down the stairs. He stopped and ran a hand through his hair.

“She’s not crying anymore. She asked me to leave so she could call Connor, I stood by the door and when I left she asked him to sing her to sleep.”

Harry stood up. “Why Connor? Why not one of us, she has 5 professional singers right down the stairs!” You could tell he was getting defensive now, not liking that  another guy was helping to get his girl to sleep.

“I’m guessing because outside of us he is her number one person to go for comfort. And for all she knows you guys are having a fist fight down here.” He said in his ‘daddy directioner’ tone, showing he was disappointed in all of us. We looked down.

“Alright Zayn, Harry I would give it 3 hours at the max to think of a way to get her to forgive you.” He said crossing his arms and looking at us. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, immediately trying to think of ways to get through to her.

“Why me? Zayn called her a…. that word!” Harry said in anger and confusion.

“But, she saw you about to hit her brother. That’s pretty bad Harry. Louis and Niall didn’t do anything so they are good, and I was the one up there comforting her. So this all up to you guys.” Liam said motioning all the guys to walk with him into the kitchen, which Niall happily agreed to and Louis followed just to get out of the situation. So I looked at Harry.

“How are we going to do this?” I finally said. He sat down and put his chin on his hands and began to think as I began to pace.

“Flowers?” Harry randomly said.

“Not big enough, plants can’t fix this.” I said as I stopped to think. “We could always sing to her?”

“We can sing whenever she wants us too its not that special.” He said. For the next hour we threw ideas back and forth for a while until I heard the shower turn on and groaned.

“We have to think of something!” I said frantically as we shot out more pointless ideas before the shower stopped. We looked at each other knowing that we were out of time, she would be coming down soon. Luckily we heard her phone go off right as she would have gotten out of the shower. We sighed in relief and ran up the stairs to see who was calling.

“I know Connor I know! But I have people I love here! I can’t just leave. I know I’m missing it. YES Connor! I know its your anniversary and mine! I know it the first time we ever preformed but I can’t afford it, I’m not asking the guys to fly me out. Ugh, I know they are total asses sometimes.” We both flinched hearing a cuss word out of Hailey’s mouth. “I will try my hardest to make it. I have 2 months to make the money! I have until October 24th. I know its you and Amy’s anniversary too, I know it’s a big day! I know its not that long but I have to go, I’m hungry. I’ve been in my room for like 2 days. Bye, love you bro.” We flinched again, me at her calling him ‘bro’ and Harry from telling him she loves him as far as I know. We heard her stand up and sigh.

I grab Harry and pull him down stairs.

“The tickets! We could buy her the tickets to America for her anniversary thing!  We could fly out with her and celebrate! It seems like a big thing for her, and Connor seems pissed that shes missing it.”

Harry looked at me. “I don’t know… I don’t really trust those people she was with. Especially Connor.”

“It would make her happy, Harry! Isn’t that overall what we want to do? Make Hailey happy?” I gave him a look that said this was the only way out and he sighed.

“I’ll go book the flight.”  He walked over and opened his laptop. I looked over and saw Liam walk in. I saw he had white roses in his hand. Hailey’s absolute favorite flowers. I smiled at him.

“You might need these. I hope you thought of something good.” He handed me the flowers just in time to see Hailey walk in the room

She looked around the room and ran a hand through her hair. She bit her lip and I cleared my throat. She looked at me and made eye contact before looking down and playing with her fingers.

“Hailey…” I started off. 


Sorry Cliffhanger....


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