"Not Quite There Yet" (Sam X Taurtis) (old)

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Third Persons POV.

Sookie, Yuki, and Soulowl, were handing out Invitations, They were having a Party later that Night.

Yuki Handed Sam a Sparkling Pink Card, Sam Looked down at it, opening it, to find Writing In Bright Red.

Taurtis Peeked over Sam's Shoulder, Reading The Card as well.

Taurtis Nodded, and Sam looked back up at Yuki, Seting the Sparkling Card Down on the Table, They Both Agreed to come to the Party.

Later that night, after School, Sam, And Taurtis Were Getting Dressed for the Party.

Sam Had was wearing his Casual look, a Long sleeved Blue Shirt, with a White T-Shirt over top.

Taurtis Walked into the Living room, where Sam Was Waiting, as they exited the Door, and Headed off to the Party.

Yuki opened the door for them, letting them inside.

as the Blaring Nightcore Played from the Basses around the home, They Sam Multiple People Dancing.

Some people Dancing, Some of them Were just talking, and the Rest Were drinking 'Special Punch'

Sam, And Taurtis Got Some drinks, Drinking it as they sat down and watched the others Dance The Night away.

After a Little While, The Music Was Cut Two Thirds of the Volume.

Some of the Students, Looked around, Trying to figure out Why the Volume had Decreased so dramatically.

Sookie, Stepped up onto the Stairwell, As to get the Attention of all the Other Students.

Sookie Quickly Announced, That They Would be Playing Spin the Bottle.

Multiple Students Went up stairs to continue Dancing, while the Rest Decided to play the Game.

Sam, and Taurtis sat down In the Small circle of Students, In Which Soulowl And Yuki, had "Encouraged" To Play.

The Group consisted of, Sookie, Soul-Owl, Yuki, Sam, Taurtis, J, Dom, And Invader.

Sookie Spun the Bottle, it Quickly Spun, Landing on Soul, Sookies Green Asking melted into a Bright Red, as her, and Soul Owl got up, and Headed to the closet.

The Group sat there Talking as Seven minutes passed by quickly, And the Two Got out of the Closet.

This time Yuki Had to Spin the Bottle, it Landed on Dom, Yuki did not look to pleased, as She and Dom Both had to Go in the Closet.

Another Seven Minutes passed, As the Two finally came out of the Closet.

At long last it was Sam's Turn, It Bit his Lip, as he Spun the Bottle, He Knew who he wanted it to Land on.

The Bottle Slowed Down, Before Pointing directly Ahead of Sam, Sam Looked up, and sure enough, Taurtis Was Sitting there, his tan Cheeks Now a Faded Red.

The rest of the Group Gasped, or Fangirled, as Sam Blushed Heavily.

They Both Got up, and Made there way into the closet, Closing the Door Behind them.

It was Small, and Crampt in the Closet, Leaving the Two Extremely Close to Each other.

Sam Looked up at Taurtis nervously, Unsure if he should say anything.

"So..... We Have to Kiss..?" Taurtis Mentioned awkwardly, as Sam Nodded slowly.

Taurtis Grabbed Sam's Waist, And pulled Him Closer, Pressing his lips Against Sam Quickly.

Sam Stood still in Slight shock for a moment, before melting into the Kiss, Taurtis's lips tasted like Sweet Honey Straight from the Honey Comb.

Sam Wrapped his Arms around Taurtis Kneck, Pulling him down the deepen the kiss, Sam Could feel his Face Flaring up, As well as Taurtis, A sthey were both blushing heavily.

Taurtis Licked Sam's bottom lip, asking for entrance, Sam Easily let him in, as Taurtis Tongue began to explore Sam Mouth.

Eventually they had to pull apart for air, a String of saliva connecting there lips, as it was wipped away.

They let go of each other, as the closet door opened.

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