Unthawed. (Saurtis)

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Sam's POV:

"Taurtis I Am Leaving!" I Shouted from The Living room, As I Approahed the Front door, "Sam wait up!" I Heard him Yell from atop the Stairs, I Heard his Feet hitting the wooden stairs, as he Quickly ran down, Honestly It sounded more like He was Tumbling Down.

"I'm Coming aswell." He Told me, I Sighed Smiling, "You Can't, You have to Work at the Restaurant" I told him, He Groaned, "Whyyyyy" he Asked me whining, "I Wanna Work with you!" I Said, I Giggled and patted his Shoulder, "Why don't we just stay Home?" He asked me, He Tried to grab my Wrist And pull me towards the Sofa, I Kept my Stance, as he wasn't Trying very Hard, "Come on, if were late we won't be able to pay for the Lawsuit." I Told him, He stopped pulling on my Arm confused for a Moment, "What Lawsuit...?" "The one with Mr.Dorito" I responded to His Question.

He Sighed, And Nodded, "Let's hurry up and get to work then!" He insisted, and Pulled me out the Door.
For about a Week the same process repeated, After school Sam Would Go to leave, Taurtis would Complain, Taurtis Would walk Sam to Work, and then Hop on the Train to Get to His Own.

Sam Worked in a Medium Sized Grocher near the Back of Town, He Stacked the Shelfs, and Retrived stuff from the Freezer, while as Taurtis Worked in the Town over, at a Restaurant called, "Okashi Watashi" it was a moderate sized restaurant, but it Paid Twice as Much As the Grocher Sam worked At.

He didn't enjoy being or working so far away from His Home, Or Sam.

Everyday after work insisted of Coming Home, Eating playing some Game Crab, Chatting a little About Work, and then Crashing Together on the Couch.

Today There Chat about Work wasn't the Usual Banter, Today it Seemed that the Grocher Sam Had Been Working at Was Invaded By (Invader) Burglars, "And Right After that The Police Arrived, And Fought them," Sam Told his Story, Taurtis Sat there Not Enjoying this story Very Much.

Sam Yawned, It had seemed the Story had went on Past there Usual Gaming Time, "I Think I am Going to Go To Bed Early.." Sam Said Stretching, Taurtis Nodded, and they Headed off to Bed.

Later in the Night, Taurtis Laid there Awake, Thinking, about Sams Story, He Tried Closing his Eyes, but it Didn't seem to affect him, Finally he spoke up, he wanted to Get something off his Chest.

"Sam....Are You Awake Still..?" He Whispered, he got a Fainted "Yea" "You Do Know I won't Let Anything Happen to You.......Right?" I Asked him, It Was Silent For a Moment, "Y-Yes.." he Heard A Small Answer, He Felt himself Smile softly, and was Finally able to Close his eyes, while on the Other Hand, Sam Couldn't help but Feel a Slight Warmth on his cheeks.

The Next Morning, After School, Sam Went To head off to work again,  as usual Taurtis Ran up, But This time Didn't Complain, He Walked with Sam to the Grocher, And then Headed off to the Train station.

Sam Was Immediately met up With The Supervisor, Like Dude we need some More chicken from The Freezer" he Told Sam, Who Nodded, And Headed off Towards The Freezer.

He opened the Door, and Walked inside, It Closed behind him. But he didn't think anything of it, He Walked Towards the Back of The Freezer, and Opened the Box's, He found he Chicken, and Went Towards the front of The Freezer, he Tried to hurry, as he was sure he would FREEZE if he Spent anymore time there.

Sam set down the Chicken, And grabbed the Door handle, He Tried to open it, but it seemed locked, Slightly Confused, And Starting to Panic, He Tried it Again, and Again.

"Oh Gord.." He Mummbled to himself, when he Remembered The Strict Teaching the Managers tried To implant into his mind. "The Door Only opens from the outside."
"Edward you Numbskull!! How many times have I told you! Bring the Food To The Baking Area!" A Tall Man Nagged a Smaller Man, who nodded slowly, and Grabbed Another Box, They were Performing their Clean out, As the Store Was Closing Down.

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