"how we met.." ((Okami X Rowan))

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Warning: this Story Contains Acts of Self Harm, and suicide. if any of this Disturbs You please leave now.

Third Persons POV:

Okami Said Good bye to Her Parents. Pushing a Lock of Her Golden Hair from Her View. She forced a smile, before leaving the house. stopping in Her Path way, Okami studied The road ahead of Her. If She wasn't careful She could get Hit. And she would Die

She shook it off, and Smiled. Smiling Can  Solve All of Your problems, You have to Stay positive to be able to push past Your failures, and make it to the Success that We all hold deep inside of us.

 If You're Broken, Just Smile.

That's what Okami did everyday. Okami did have a lot of problem's. Though She stayed the positive Girl everybody knew.

She Continued to School, No Car's Passed. She Hurried Down the Sidewalk, pausing when she saw a few Specific Students. Her eyes drifted past them, pausing on one guy. she never knew His name, But He made Her heart thumb every time She saw him.

She was Way to Shy to ever approach him.

He was talking to Gareth, Okami knew him. Though they never usually talked. Jane walked up to Okami casually. in public,  She Played Her Best Friend. in Private, she was the origins of Okami's Problems. she made Her way into the School. a free Day, These Came Rarely, so She decided to Seize it.


Gareth watched Jane leave with Okami, he smiled. Dazed by Her looks. He snapped Back to Reality when he Heard a Sigh. "you're not paying attention Again."

"Sorry. tell me what we're talking again?"

"I was thinking of Joining the Military." Rowan Stated, while They Headed Towards the School.

"The Military? That's a Pretty big Decision.."

"I'll be 18 Soon. I think its time a make a decision like that."

"What about that ami You Like"

"Okami.." Rowan Corrected Frustrated, while they Entered into the school building.

"Yeah. What about Her? Didn't You Wanna Get Hitched?"

"Maybe...I'll ask Her out later, if she says no..then well.."

"If she says yes, we can go on a Double Date!" Gareth Offered Happily. "you and Ami, Me and Jane!"

Rowan Brushed off His Failed attempts at Okami's name, and Put his books in the lockers. "Doesn't Jane Hate your Guts?"

"No!  She is Totally In love with Me!"

"if You say so." Rowan Commented, before They Headed off to class.


During Class Rowan Sat beside Gareth, He was Watching Okami, ((like usual)) and Noticed she seemed a little down.

"Hey Gareth.. Have you noticed anything Different with Okami?"

"Hmmm?" Gareth was spaced out, while drooling at Janes hair.

Rowan was like ;-; Really. And nudged Gareth.

Gareth immediately grabbed his arm, "oww I think you Dislocated my Shoulder!"

"Be quiet, We're gonna get caught talking."

Gareth Frowned, rubbing His Arm.
"What do You want?'

"Never mind, You wouldnt be able to help."

Gareth smiled, "less work for me then"


since it was a Free day, There was No Physical education today. So Students got a Extended lunch then home.

Rowan Was leaned against the wall, His arms Crossed. He watched Okami talk with Her Friends, listening in.id you see that Girl Yesterday?" The brunette asked

"The stupid blonde? Yeah" one with a Neon pink stated.

Okami Frowned. She Gazed Down at the table, playing with Her blond Hair.

"I heard She's Dating that Super Nerdy Kid, the One with the Glasses."
The Brunette continued Her Slander.

"You mean Four Eyes?" The pink Giggled.

Okami Adjusted Her Glasses self consciously.

"I-I'll be right back.." She Got up from the Chair, yet Her Friends didn't Notice. Okami Left for the Gym, While Rowan Quietly Pursued.

She sat on the Bleachers. Rowan sat down Beside Her,

Okami Avoided His Gaze, staring Down to the floor.


Her Heart started pounding, how does He know Her name?


"Don't worry about what oother People Say.. Its not the outside that defines You, its the Inside that matters."

Okami looked down, She held Her Arms, avoiding eye contact with Him.

Rowan got suspicious, and grabbed Her arm, but Okami jerked it away.

"Okami what did you Do?"

"N-Nothing!" She Panicked, Scooting  away.

Rowan frowned, and Grabbed ahold of Her, Pinning Her Down on the Bleachers.

Okami Blushed a pink hue. While Rowan stared Her in the Eyes.

the Feeling between them lingered, until they both jade to finally express themselfs.

And Kiss.


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