"lets go out together Part 2" (Grian X Silly)

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For __Silly__


Silly nodded, "there's not gonna be anybody left for you to bother when I am done.."

"What do you mean?" Grian asked. Confused on her sudden drop in tone.

Silly Leaned in Kissing him softly,

"Let's Go out together"

And Now:

Grian Looked into her eyes, Unsure of her intentions. Yet he knew he Wanted to Follow with her every step of the way. Until there Very last Breath

Even if that Last Breath will be taken today.

"What are you talking about.." He Questioned.

"I am Going to kill myself..And I want you to Come with me.."

Grian looked at her surprised, "But..Don't you think thats a bit Drastic?"

"No..No it's Not.. Its Never going to get better. We're gonna feel like this For the rest of our lives.." Silly held his hand tightly.

"Besides.. Wouldn't you Rather die then stay with Your Crappy father?"

"She's Right maybe you Should Go and Kill Yourselfs. At least I wouldn't have to deal with you." Dom's inconceivable voice snickered from the Doorway.

He stood proped up against the wooden frame. a smug smirk plastered across his face.

Grian Rolled his eyes. Silly looked towards the floor embarrassed.

"Come on let's go to class. Okay, silly?" Grian Questioned.

Silly Nodded hesitantly.

Grian Grabbed her Hands Carefully, lightly pulling her towards the classroom.

Treating her as if she's a Delicate Glass Doll that Might shatter at the lightest touch.

Okami ignored the fact that they were late.

After Class Silly Encouraged Grian To come over.

"Come on I Have just the thing to Help us.."

Silly Dug threw her Drawers, pulling out a Small orange bottle.

Grians Skepticism Filled his head. He Wasn't Sure this was the right thing to do..

The moment she Came to comfort him he knew he had Devoted his life to her.

if she Wants to End hers. then he will give it his all to go out with her.

She dumped Some of the bottle into his palm.

"Silly..I'm not so sure about this.." Grian informed, He Looked up at Her. She had already stuffed the pills in her mouth

Silly Grabbed her water to help her force down the pills.

Not wanting to witness this Twisted even He Grabbed her Wrist, "just.. Wait a minute. please."

Silly looked at him exasperated. Jerking her Arm away. She Chugged the water, forcefully Choking down the pills.

Grian Watched Panicked. His Heart dropped when He clued in that He couldn't Support Her.

He Failed. He couldn't Help her.

Silly Collapsed onto the Floor. Grian attempted to catch Her, yet he failed at that As well.

The door opened, "Hey You Guy's okay? I heard a ba- Grian What did you do to Silly?!" Mrs.Okami Demanded.

"I'm S-Sorry!" Grian Wailed, his emotional state was Disintegrating at a rapid pace.

"Well don't stand there. Call 911!" Mrs.Okami instructed.

Grian Sat in the Waiting room. The Continuous Tap of People fingernails against the metal tables Drilled into his head.

His hands covered his face, He Tried not to think.

If only he Took those pill's, then he could be with her..

"The Hell are you Doing here?" Grian Gazed up with Glazed over eyes. His father stood before him.

"Its 3 Am Your Coming Home" he Grabbed Grian's wrist, pulling him up from his waiting chair.

Dread Plastered his Face, looking up at his father.

He Hastily pulled Away, Managing to Get His wrist free.

His Loathe for this Man was Concealable like the wounds that he leaves.

"Grian. Get in the Car Now."

"N-No leave me alone!" Grian shouted, Creating a scene.

"Are you talking back to me you son of a bitch.." His Father Back handed him.

Grian fell onto the floor, holding his Throbbing face.

"I just wanted to Visit silly.. Why Can't you let me have just that??" Grian Questioned. His eyes swarming with detest.

Grians dad didn't react. Noticing the scene around him. "I'll deal with you when You get home"

Grian stood up off the floor. Watching his father leave.

God. he Hates him.

"Hey Grian.." Mrs.Okami Tapped his shoulder lightly.

He turned quickly, surprised, "Y-Yeah..?"

Mrs.Okami took a deep breath. shutting her eyes tightly as they burned with tears.

"She Didn't make it..

My Baby's Dead!" She Wailed, hugging herself as she cried.

Grians eyes widened as he took in the Information.

if only he Tried harder.

He could have prevented this all.

It's his Fault.

It's My Fault.

It's My Fault.

The words Blared in his skull like defening sirens.

He has to see her.

He has to go with her.

He Slammed open the medicine cabinet.

There's gotta be something..

He Grabbed out the bottle of painkillers he used almost daily.

He couldn't even Cry.

Silly wouldn't want him to cry.

He Forced the Pills down.

And collapsed.

"Grian Wake Up Breakfast is ready~" he Heard her Angelic Voice once he opened his eyes.

Silly stood above him, she wore a short Velvet Dress with Black lace rimming the edges.


Silly Smiled Brightly, Her blue eyes Blaring with love.

"Mommy I'm Hungry!"
A small Girl Brunette girl Tugged at Sillys Arm.

"yeah. when can we eat" a Boy a little older Asked while playing his gameboy.

"Just a second" Silly Spoke, "go downstairs and wait for your father."

Grian watched them Baffled, "Father..? What's happening?"

Silly smiled and kissed his forehead before heading out of the room.

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