"I Still Don't like You" ((Sam x Taurtis))

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Third persons POV:

"Okay everybody You have a Partner?" Okamis Shrill voice echoed threw the summer trees.

They were Surrounded by Grassland, Dirty paths and Glorious amounts of wildlife.

"I Don't" Sam Stated, Raising his hand.

Okami laughed, "Sam you're partnered with Taurtis!"

"Can I Have Somebody else please?" Sam Asked, His Tone of Voice Riding on the Awkward situation.

Taurtis Looked off to the side Hurt.

"No...No you Can't everybody else is already Partnered up. Why would you wanna Switch?"
Okami Handed Her husband A Map.

"I Don't like him"

Wow that must have stung.

Taurtis wanted to speak up. To take back everything that he said before. To take back their friendship.

But he couldn't.

"Come on Sam It Can't be that bad."


Grian Whispered something to J, Who nodded.

"Mrs.Okami? Me and J are Willing To switch"

Okami sighed. she finally Nodded in agreement, "fine, fine. Grian You go with Taurtis, Sam you're with J."

Sam's Face lit up, "Thank You!" He Ran Over to J Excited.

Taurtis looked to the ground saddened.

Grian walked over to Taurtis, giving him a sympathetic look.

The Wind Blew past them, giving everybody a chill.

It was rather cold for a Field trip as a result everybody was wearing warmer clothing.

Taurtis was wearing a Hoodie, it was a Darker version of the blue he Frequently wore in the sun.

Yet the cold wasn't the only Reason why he wore what he did.

"Okay Guys we are gonna split up, everybody meet at the other side of the tavern."

Okami handed out supplies To each Pair.

Sam Smiled. He Grabbed J's Arm, Pulling him towards the Path, "Sam Slow down, I'm gonna drop the backpack!"

"Come on let's go.." Grian Looked over At Taurtis who nodded slowly.

Grian Grabbed His hand, and Pulled him off towards the Dirt Trail.

A While later, Grian And Taurtis Had Entered the Tavern.

"Dude. this Place is Creepy.." A chilling Breeze sifted threw the room, causing Grian to shiver.

"Whatever..Let's just get out of here," Taurtis muttered. His Gaze Avoided Grian, who studied the Cave.

"I Wonder Where the other Groups are?" Grian Asked Himself Aloud. He turned to Taurtis, "Okay We'll Leave..Where do we go?"

Taurtis glanced up from the Floor, Pulling out the Map.

"The maps upside down"

"Right" Taurtis flipped around the Map.
"it looks like we're here..."

"Taurtis thats not even Remotely Close to where we are."


"Give Me the map" Grian Sighed. He Held the map out infront of him. He studied the Trails and Paths that it Displays.
"Well it looks like we're Lost."

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