"How we met.." part 3 ((Okami X Rowan))

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Requested by fxckitssamuel

Okamis arm swung to quickly cover herself from the light, she hadn't remembered hell being so bright.. The scene set in, The curtins were held open letting the sun into the hospital room.
Okami's body felt..over done? She felt as if she had been drained and she just needed to relax and have a good nights rest.

Rowans shouting alarmed her, he had burst into the room. Slamming the door against the back wall. Breaking the silence. A nurse appears to have been chasing him down the hall, he Skidded to a Stop at the door.

Rowan flashed by her side, she could barely pull herself up before he was trying to scoop her into a hug. Cuddling her against his chest. Okami felt as if she could just melt into the situation- into his arms.

The nurse had stopped in the door way, He was hesitant. Rowan wasn't supposed to be here.

Okami looked back up at him, He shook his head a no. The nurse had a defeated look while he left.

"I'm surprised you showed up"

Rowan rose a brow, he was a bit taken back.
"Why wouldn't I? You Tried to kill Yourself!?" He burst out suddenly, "what were you even thinking?? Are you okay?!"
Okami held her breath, she felt more ashamed then anything..

Rowans eyes darted back and forth, scanning her expression, his eyebrows furrowed while he slid back. "I just need a second.."

Okami let out her breath as soon as he left, Falling back onto the bed. She felt selfish, Stupid, Annoying, bile. Thers alot of words she could describe herself with.

Why hadn't he just left her?

Maybe if she hadn't texted him


Okamis phone sat on her bed infront of her.

It was one of those moments, to be? Or not to be?

She had already made her decision, pondered over it. She was sure this what the right thing to do.

Every time she reached to the phone her heart pouded louder in her ears. She couldn't just leave him with nothing!

She was too nervous, what if he calls the police?? Maybe he just wouldn't understand, maybe he would wait till school to question her.

She choked out another long sob as she dropped the phone onto the bed, smothering the noise with her hands.

He responded with a few question marks before she scrambled for the bottle.


Okami took a breath, she hadn't planned on coming back here, to school i mean. she hadn't done her homework either which was a down side.

When she took her first step she expected nobody to care. For it to be regular day where nobody cared or really payed attention

She was....wrong? To say the least.. It was actually the complete opoosite,
As if the moment she walked in threw the door she was in the spot light.
All eyes were on her.

She could feel the stares and murmurs behind her while she went threw her locker.
she Wasn't sure if it was better being left alone.

Rowan swooped in from behind her, seizing her by the wrist and wrapping her into a hug.

Yeah this was worse.

She looked up at him, questioning his actions. Rowan grinned, squishing her cheeks and pulling her into a kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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