"Snowed In" (Sam X Grian) (old)

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Third Persons POV.

Sam was in The Kitchen, He Turned off the Stove, and Poured the Boiling Milk Into Two Cups, he Opened the Packet Of Hot Cocoa, and Poured it into the two Cup's.

He Grabbed a Tablespoon, And Mixed Both Cups, Until they were no Longer Boiled Milk, and Brown Powder, But the Creamy Goodness of Hot Chocolate.

Sam Grabbed the Cups, and Brought them into the living Room, He Set them down on the Table, He Sat Down on the Sofa, And Turned on the Television.

"70 Percent Chance of Snowfall In Yandere City and the Surrounding area," the Female News anchor spoke.

Sam Turned To Look out the Window, The Curtains were Parted.

Snow fell From the sky, It was more then just few Snow flakes, but it wasn't very drastic.

"This just in, a Major snow storm Warning for Yandere City, and surrounding area, it is advised that everybody stay in doors, and don't leave there home." The News Anchor reported.

After a while There was a Knock on The Door, Sam Got up off of the couch, and Ran over to the door.

Sam Opened the Door To Find His cold Friend.

After Grian, had taken off his snow gear, which consisted of a Jacket, Boots, and a Touque, He Had Sat Down.

Both Sam, And Grian, Were sitting beside each other on the Sofa, The News Played as they sipped there Hot cocoa.

"The Snow Continues to fall In Yandere city, People And Family's are Taking camp at the mall, as the road conditions are getting to Drastic for them to get home." The News Anchor Spoke.

"Wow, it looks pretty Ruff out there". Grian Mentioned, looking threw the Window.

A Was a Very Cold Winter day, In Yandere City, Some might even say it was "a White out"

Snow Continues To Blow Against the window, the Force of the Blowing Wind, and Snow, Creating a Loud Howling that Ecoed threw the house.

"Reports Show That Over 500 Citizens have lost there power due to the Storm." The news anchor Spoke, Telling her story to the world.

"I am Glad We Haven't Lost Power Here.." Sam Said, Looking up at the Light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

"Contracters Agreed to Go Out After Th-" The News anchor Began, Before being Cut off, by The T.V Flashing, and then Turning Black.

Grian Got up off the Sofa, He walked over and kneeled Down in front of the T.V, he Dried the Power Button.

It was to No avail, As There was no Outcome.

Sam Hugged himself as he sat on The Sofa, He Shivered as the Light Flickered above Him.

Grian Stood up after Multiple attempts to Turn on he T.V, But Yet Still, There was No Outcome.

"It Looks like It Lost Power-" Grian Began, Before The Howling Wind Crashed at full speed Against the Building, Making Sam Jump in Surprise.

Grian Turned, And Walked over to Sam, he Sat down Beside him Again.

Just Then The Lights Flickered, Finally Going out, Surrounding the room if Darkness.

Grian Felt Something at his Side, As he Pulled out his J-Phone, and Turned on the Flash Light App, The Light Shone from the Back of the Phone, Grian Pointed it Over to his Side, Where Sam Was Clinging tightly.

"Sam" Grian Said, as Sam Opened his eyes, "Y-Yea?" Sam Said Stuttering, "Are You Afraid..?" Grian Asked him, as Sam Nodded Slowly.

Grian Stood up off The Sofa, As He Shined the Light on Sam, who Didn't move off of the Sofa.

Sam Hugged himself Tightly, as he Looked up at Grian, With a Pleading Face, as he didn't want to be left alone.

Grian Handed Sam The J-Phone, "I Am Gonna Go Get a Candle Stay Here." Grian Told him, Sam Nodded Slowly, as he held onto the Phone Tightly.

Grian Came Back a Few Minutes Later With Some Candle's, and a Match, He Set the Three Candle's on The Table, And light the Match, He Placed it over each candle, Slowly Lighting them.

The Flame Did a Very good job of Illuminating the Small Area, Sam Had Calmed down, But he was Still Scared.

Grian Had Sat Down beside Sam Again, Sam had Given him Back his Phone.

Sam Wrapped his Arms around Grians Arm, And Laid his Head on Grians Shoulder, While Doing this He felt As If He Was Protected from the Darkness that Was Surrounding Him.

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