"Help." ((Grian X J)) Rewriten.

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WARNING, if You read at the average 130 words per minute this story will take you 45 minutes. Grab some tea and crackers.

I FEEL Like if I dont warn you someone will sue me.

This story contains Heavy Hinting at Sexual abuse, incest, Depression, and Other themes I forgot.

I left a Warning Near The sort of Scene that most hints at the Abuse so if u wanna skip that then eh.

Please be aware this is a Story, More importantly its an AU. Things in this story have affected the characters and Shifted their personality's to reflect that, this is not how they would act or feel in any other circumstances.

With that said please enjoy.


the clouds Gathered in the sky, up until now it was Pitch perfect.
It began like an airy whisper, Drifting and Mixing themselves into eachother.
The Sky had Swiveled into a Gravel gray to match the darkened tone the day seemed to set off.
The rain fell slowly at first, quietly Blowing along with the wind.
It wasn't the type of weather You wanted to be walking to school in.
Grion pulled The red hood up, shielding himself from the Downpour.

The rain can mean Many things. For some its calming, Letting the soothing Pitter patter fill Your thoughts.
For Others It Was a Grievance, You can't Play outside Or go to the beach.
That Beaming Yellow ball of Light Can't beat down onto your bare skin. Its Damp and cold Both In and Outdoors, as well as the added Occasional Flu that No One is ever happy about.
The Lightning isn't Something You Can forget about either.
Least of all, For Some it is Just Nothing.
Those sounds, it was something that He Couldn't help wondering about, I am sure in his situation you Could relate.

The Loud Rumble of Voices Had Slowly flooded the streets, Every Person Shouting over the other, just Trying to be heard.
People were pushing past each other.
Grian was part of the few people who were late to school, The Select few
Who either slept in, or Had Choosen To just stay home.

It was a more peaceful approach, You Stayed behind so no one bothered You. You get last pick of food at the store though, That kinda sucks.

The Day Had Carried on, He had Attended Class and Learned about whatever nonsense the Teachers decided to scribble down this time.
Something about Grian That nobody understood was Why he hated Gym? He usually just sat out and Sometimes he Would Just skip in general. Nobody seemed to Really notice, or particularly cared to be Quite honest. Well, Except for J. He Had Always Wondered Why he was leaving, Why Didn't he Join the class? And Why was he Never in trouble for it?
once He had Found Grian Hiding behind the school, He had noticed him there alot, Mostly during when he was skipping, or for lunch.
Once Grian had fallen asleep back there after school, Honestly J couldnt blame him. It was incredibly Peaceful.
Sometimes he Waited for Him, He wanted to Meet him - to Get his Name. But with his luck whenever He Had Skipped or decided to Sit there During Lunch He was never around.

Strange happened Today, Grian Had to Participate in Gym.
He wasn't Quite pleased about it either.
"I am Sorry Sweetie, but, Your Grades are too low, If You don't start doing Something then You're going to have to retake the year." Okami explained Softly. Something about the way this Girl Talks can make even Your own Death sound Calming.
Now Rowan, He was the Exact Opposite.
Grian Huffed, Leaving to Change with the Rest of the class.
The Uniform Didn't Fit,
It was Tight around the Chest and His Thighs. He was going to Need a New Uniform, wonder where he'll get the money for that..
He Looked over himself, Had He Grown? He definitely Didn't seem taller. He was still too short to touch the roof, Just like last year.
Somebody was Watching Him.
Well, it was More Then just somebody. His Friends, Well the old Ones.
This was Partially why he hated Gym,
The Gaps between activities Left a Gaping opportunity for people to Question, Confront and Pick at Him.

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