Kiss Cam - Dylan O'Brien

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You were probably the biggest Mets fan, you watched every game , read every article and loved the sport but the only thing you hadn't done was physically go see a game at the stadium. You best friend Y/B/F/N, truly loved you, loved you so much that she got you tickets to the next Mets game, she told you the news on your birthday a month ago and have been counting down the day ever since, tomorrow was the day, the day you see your true loves, The Mets!

You woke up extra early, 3 hours early to be exact, you were way too excited and you were literally about to burst into tears because of it. You are eating your breakfast like you hadn't eaten in years, took the most refreshing shower and changed into your Mets t-shirt and black shorts, it was hot, hotter than you had imagined. After an hour of impatient waiting, Y/B/F/N knocked on your door several times.

You opened the door and hugged her tight, so tight that she could barely breathe properly. You then ran to your sofa and grabbed your bag and started to head out to the stadium. Y/B/F/N could tell how excited you were, you were tapping your finger on your leg the whole car ride, you were muttering to yourself and you kept smiling, you were smiling so much that when Y/B/F/N pointed it out to you, you realised that your cheeks were really sore and you probably couldn't handle smiling any longer.

Y/B/F/N collected your snacks and you tried to find your seats, you two were on the end near the bottom row. You turn round when you hear two guys squealing in excitement, well, one of them but you were truly amazed that someone could be even more excited than you, to you it was basically impossible. After chuckling for a while when the excited guy tripped and stumbled trying to find his seats, you realized he was walking towards you and Y/B/F/N and looked beside you, finding to empty seats. You were secretly hoping that those two seats were theirs so you could share the level of excitement with them.

You close your eyes and you can feel someone plonk down beside you, you opened your eyes slowly and looked next to you. You see him staring at you as you stare at him, he puts out his hand and says, "Hi, I'm Dylan!" You shake his hand and reply with your name. You and Dylan carry on talking about your love for The Mets and you start to remember that Y/B/F/N was still right next to you, you forgot about her and Dylan forgot about his friend so you suggest an idea to make everyone happy. "So Dylan, Y/B/F/N/, Y/B/F/N, Dylan" they both shake hands and Dylan introduces his friend, "Y/N, Y/B/F/N, Tyler and Tyler, Y/N, Y/B/F/N" we both shake his hand and you and Tyler decide to swap seats so that they could both talk as Dylan and you chatted.

You barely paid any attention to the actual game but when you did, you and Dylan would end up cheering and laughing, then just carried on talking. That was until the Kiss Cam screen appeared. It first pointed at this married couple and you and Dylan started cheering and chanting "KISS! KISS! KISS!" It was all so hilarious until it pointed at you and Dylan. You and Dylan were just shaking your heads until someone behind you said "Oh come on, just kiss already!" You could see Dylan looking at Tyler behind you and you looked at the floor, you felt Dylan's hands grab your cheeks and kissed you firmly. You kissed him back and after a while, finally let go. You could feel your cheeks blush as they whole crowd started cheering and whistling.

The rest of the game was a bit awkward, you didn't know what to say because you were scared it would be embarrassing or wrong, so you kept quiet throughout the baseball game. The game had then ended and you stood up at the same time as Tyler and Y/B/F/N, you all looked down at Dylan as he kept on staring at the ground. "Dylan?" you say questioningly. "Are you okay?" Dylan looked up and stood up almost instantly, he then cupped you cheek again and kissed you, this kiss was way longer and way more romantic, you parted your lips and Dylan shouted "Should this girl give me her number?!", everyone left in the stadium began screaming "DO IT! DO IT! GIVE THE GUY YOUR NUMBER!". You gave in and took out your phone and handed it to Dylan.

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