Nervous - Stiles Stilinski

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"Oh my god Scott, doesn't she just look absolutely gorgeous today?" Stiles whispered, he couldn't stop staring at the back of your head... "If the back of her head is that fascinating. Imagine how beautiful her face is!" Stiles continued. "You know you see her everyday? We're her best friends Stiles" Scott replied frustratingly. "I know but it always surprises me how amazingly she looks" Stiles says, still staring at the back of your head. You have that weird feeling that someone is staring at you intently so you turn your head and look behind you, you see Scott and Stiles and smile. "Told you, always beautiful!" Stiles says as Scott rolled his eyes at Stiles.

Scott had to listen to Stiles 24/7, whatever it was, it irritated him, a lot. Stiles was always talking about you, to how cool your personality was to how gorgeous you looked everyday. Sometimes it was too much and Scott had to make so many excuses to leave just so he wouldn't have to listen to Stiles any longer, yes, it was THAT bad... Scott still loved you like a sister but sometimes Stiles ruined that by talking and talking constantly. Though he was annoyed by Stiles; he felt bad for him too because he knew the longer he talked the longer it was going to take for him to ask you out, and once he's actually ready, you'll probably be off dating some random guy or jerk.

The bell rang and Scott jumped by the sudden sound. "Hey guys! Do you wanna have a movie night tonight?" You exclaimed excitedly. "Uh...yeah s-sure. I-I mean if S-Scott wants to." Stiles stuttered and you looked at him completely confused. You decided to leave it and walk off all happy and lively. "What the hell happened there bro? You were a complete nervous wreck!" Scott asked nearly laughing. "Hey, hey, don't laugh Scott, just because I like her doesn't mean my social skills will cooperate with me!" Even though you, Scott and Stiles have been best friends since you were 9 years old, ever since Stiles learned that he liked you, he hadn't been able to talk properly. With his usual annoying confidence.

The last bell rang and Scott and Stiles collected their books and headed to their lockers. "Why don't you just ask her out? When she comes over?" Scott asks. "What if she rejects me? What if she thinks it's a joke? What if she says no and it's completely ruins our friendship?" Stiles complained, using hand gestures and pointing fingers everywhere. "Calm down. Y/N likes you, her heart races every time you guys talk" Scott stated. "What? How long has this been going on for? " Stiles said. "Not long, maybe a couple months?" Scott replied. "A COUPLE MONTHS? What the hell? Why'd don't you tell me Scott?" Stiles complained nearly instantly. "I don't know, I never really noticed until a week ago. I only realised when she fell last Thursday and you caught her, then it all clicked but then again I also wanted to see your reaction when I told you, she's liked you for a couple months, it's really priceless!" Scott teased. "I guess I'll ask her out then, later today." Stiles calmly said, trying to resist not slapping Scott for what he did.

You knocked on Stiles' door and impatiently waited for him to answer. A few seconds later, the door opened and Scott greeted you with a hug. "Hey Y/N! Stiles is upstairs, he's taking ages to pick a movie, literally has been choosing for the past 10 minutes." You laughed and walked inside his house. You saw Stiles running down the stairs almost tripping on the last step, you met him halfway and hugged him. It was longer than Scott's hug but you didn't know that until Scott cleared his throat and you both parted. "So, Stiles what did you choose?" Scott asked to break the awkwardness. "Star Wars." You and Scott groaned. "Again?" You asked. "Yes again, you shouldn't have given me the job of choosing the movie." Stiles said.

Halfway into the movie, you jumped up from your seat. "Okay, who wants more popcorn?" You said. "I do!" Scott replied. "I'll help" Stiles offered. Stiles followed you into the kitchen and you opened one of the cabinets hoping to find the popcorn. "Y/N?" Stiles asked. "Yes Stiles?" You said. "I want to ask you something... s-so we've been friends f-for a while and I've started to l-like you now...", Stiles nervously said while scratching the back of his neck. "Do you w-wanna go-" you quickly interrupted. "Look Stiles, you're one of my best friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship..." Stiles' face went blank and he slowly looked at the floor. "I'm just kidding Stiles! YES! YES! A million times yes!" You ran to Stiles and wrapped your arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around your hips and nuzzles his head into your neck. "Oh my god! Never do that again, that scared the shit out of me." You giggled and apologised a couple times. You looked over Stiles' shoulder and saw Scott shaking his head and hand in the air in triumph as now he doesn't have to listen to Stiles complain about how beautiful you were everyday.

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