The Dread Doctors - Stiles Stilinski

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It was late at night, you were walking back to your house from the school. You and Stiles were at the library trying to research more about the Dread Doctors and trying to finish the Dread Doctors book. Stiles stopped and grabbed your arm, carefully looking around to see if anyone was near. "Did you hear that?" Stiles whispered. "Hear what? I'm pretty sure it was nothing, you're probably just stressing out!" you replied. "No, I..I heard something. I'm sure of it!" he stuttered, squeezing my arm even harder.

You both carried on walking faster, you could see your house at the end of the street and Stiles' phone rang, it made you both jump, slightly making Stiles muffle a scream, it was too funny to hold it in but you held your hand in front of your mouth to cover the laughs. It was Scott on the phone, he was telling you two to meet him at the hospital, him and Kira both knew who the next person was going to experimented on and you had to get to the hospital fast before it was too late. Stiles ended the call and you both ran to your house so you can get your bow and arrow that Allison gave to you for your birthday, to get Stiles' extra bat that he left at your house, you know, just in case things like this happen. You grabbed your car keys and you both jumped into your car.

After around 10 minutes in the car, you parked your car and ran to the entrance of the hospital, it was trashed, everything was thrown around the halls but you didn't have time to think about that, Scott texted Stiles and told us to go to the hospital roof, him, Kira and Liam were trying to hold off all the Dread Doctors. You both sprinted to the elevator and frantically pressed the top button, you could easily tell that Stiles was stressing out, but you didn't say anything about it. You reached the top floor and ran to see Scott pushed up against the wire fence, you ran just close enough to be able to reach for an arrow from your back, find the most effective spot and let go of the arrow right in the back, you knew it wouldn't kill the Dread Doctors but if you did this repeatedly, it would give Scott a good amount of time to escape their hands.

To be honest, no one knew how to kill a Dread Doctor, even hours and hours of researching wouldn't help either. The best you could do was hold off the Dread Doctors until they gave, take the suspected target into a safer area where the Dread Doctors can't reach them and buy ourselves more time to do even more research. In the corner of your eye, you could see Kira struggling to hold off two Dread Doctors, you screamed Scott's name and Liam's name but they were both busy with other Dread Doctors, the Dread Doctors had their backs to you and you ran up to one of them, sticking an arrow in the neck, through the thick armour and kicked them away. You could hear the tiny little cheers from Stiles, being interrupted by a shout of warning, another Dread Doctor tried to push you away into the wire fence but you turned around, stepped to the side and let the Dread Doctor collapse onto the one that Kira was fighting. Sometimes Dread Doctors can be really stupid, but you can't really complain, can you?

The Dread Doctors began to give up and vanished into thin air, you all gathered up in the middle of the roof, wondering where they vanished to. You stopped immediately and went to retrieve the suspected target that the Dread Doctors were trying to experiment on. Stiles wraps his arms around your neck and says, "Wow. That was amazing! I swear you saved Scott and Kira's life tonight!" You smile and kiss his cheek. "Well, I couldn't have done it without you, Stiles!" you replied slowly. Stiles moves his arms slowly down you back and you wince. "Oh my god! What happened? Y/N, did you get hurt?" Stiles asked quickly. "I'm fine, I promise. It's just a little blood," you say reassuringly. "I can handle it!"

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