The Masquerade Ball - Stiles Stilinski

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You straightened your dress and looked in the mirror, pleased with how you looked, even though no one asked you to go to this dance, you still wanted to go anyway. You grabbed your car keys from your bedside table and carefully walked to you car, you know you shouldn't have worn heels but it was for a special occasion, normally you would wear jeans, a t-shirt and some converse but it was time for a change.

You arrived at the school and opened the gym doors. You slowly close the doors and you eye immediately catches the adorable guy in the corner sitting by himself. He had his head in his hand and was staring intently at a couple. He turns his head and also looks at you, his mouth slightly open. You smiled to yourself and went to try to look for Grace, Grace was the only friend you had made since you moves to Beacon Hills a couple weeks ago.

The guy stood up from his seat and made his way towards you, passing through the sweaty bodies, trying to find you again. He stopped searching in one area and headed to the food bar, luckily you were also there. It was like fate. You turned around quickly and accidentally bumped into him. "O-oh, I'm so sorry. Are y-you okay?" You exclaimed as you tried to cover your burning face, but your black lace mask was already doing that. You finally realized it was Stiles because of his buzz cut but you didn't know if he recognized you.  "Don't worry about it, I wasn't looking were I was going either!"

"Do you wanna dance?" Stiles asked. "Sure, why not?" You replied. Stiles handed out his hand and you took it, he led you to the dance floor, you put a hand on his shoulder and placed your head on his other shoulder. "Soooo, you wanna tell me your name?" He said. "No thanks, I want to be a sort of mystery, someone you have to try to discover." Stiles smiled and agreed. The night passed, you talked, ate and you just danced mostly. You lifted your head slightly and looked at the clock, your mom wanted you to be back at a certain time because you know, moms can be annoying sometimes, ok, most of the times. "Look, Stiles. It's getting late and its a school night, I should be getting back now." You said sadly. Stiles jut nodded and walked you to the exit. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Stiles asked. "Maybe, if you find me..." >p<You got home and couldn't sleep, you were so excited for the following day, you didn't know what was going to happen. You finally went to bed and woke up several hours later, you had your breakfast, got dressed and headed to school. You went to your locker straight away and collected your books for the next two lessons, you closed your locker and saw Stiles handing out posters, placing posters on doors, walls, you name it and he's most likely put a poster there. You smiled to yourself and walks by him and went to the History room, you arrived early so you sat down in your seat and waited for everyone else to get there. The bell rang and Stiles ran into the room, and scrambled into the seat next to you. You laughed and smiled at him, you noticed that his face lightened slightly and you turned your head just in case he recognized you. >p<After History had finished, you jumped out of your seat as Stiles followed after. Apparently you also had the next lesson with him but you aren't complaining. He sits next to you again and stares at you. He finally gets up and stands in front of your desk and studies your face features. "You're the girl! You're her! Oh my god, I found you!" Stiles screamed. Your face went bright red and you slowly nodded. He cupped your cheeks with his hands and passionately kissed you. "You found me!" You said between kisses. "Ahemmm" Mr Grockalby cleared his throat and Stiles let go of your face and sat down next you. "Sorry sir, I just found the love of my life." After Stiles said that, everyone "Awwed" and the teacher just rolled his eyes at you two.

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