Jealousy - Stiles Stilinski

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You and Stiles agreed to meet outside the school at 9:40pm to help each other study for this economics test with Coach Finstock. You arrived five minutes early and Stiles wasn't there. You decided to wait 5 minutes but Stiles still didn't arrive. You started to think of some reasons at to why he might be late but you wanted to wait longer in case his Jeep was taking a while to start, it happens a lot. You saw headlights in the distance and hoped it was Stiles' Jeep, as the car came closer, you realized it was Lydia's car. 

You could see Lydia and Stiles laughing in the car, you started to get jealous, you always asked Stiles about his 'old' crush on Lydia but he always replied with the same answer, "I love you and only you". You started to question that and waited impatiently for Stiles to exit the car. After what seemed like forever, he finally got out of the car. He walked towards me and tried to kiss you, you dodged the kiss and Stiles looked at you questioningly. 

You turned on your heel and stomped towards the library and Stiles followed trying to name everything he could've done to upset you. You reached the doors and pushed the double doors with so much force that the doors hit the wall. "Okay, what the hell is your problem!" Stiles shouted. "I thought you didn't like Lydia anymore, why were you late and why were you in Lydia's car?!" You yelled back. "Lydia needed help with something and she dropped me off!" he replied. "I don't have time for your stupid lies Stiles, I'm leaving!" You screamed, at this point, you were squeezing your fists together so hard that your knuckled became white.

You started to walk back to your car and shut your phone completely off, you spent the car ride, muttering swears under your breath. After 10 minutes of swearing non-stop, you climbed out of your car and threw your books on your bed and started crying, thinking that maybe you exaggerated.

It's been a week since you last spoke with Stiles, he's tried to call you many times but you always just ignored it. You could tell that Stiles was irritated, that then caused Scott to be irritated and that also annoyed Kira. You felt bad for Scott and Kira since they weren't part of your problem but because they were great friends they both always wanted to know how you were feeling and if you were ready to talk again. They always attempted to get you and Stiles to meet just so you could both talk and try to makeup but it never worked, not once.

You were in the middle of English and you felt your phone vibrate on your desk, you picked it up to see who just texted you and it was Scott.

Scott {11:23} : Y/N! Go to the locker room, Stiles is having a panic attack and we don't know how to stop it! You're the only one who can!

You grabbed your jacket and ran out of the room, you could hear your teacher shouting your name as you ran but you couldn't care less about her.  As you reached the locker room, you pushed the door open and shouted Scott and Stiles' name, as you did that, you could hear Stiles shouting your name back. You bumped into Stiles as you turned the corner and fell on top of him. You started clambering off of him. You stared at him intently because you were panicking as apparently, Stiles was having a panic attack, he wasn't.

Stiles broke the eye contact and hugged you, you hugged him back, you didn't realize how much you missed his touch. It made you feel so warm and safe and it made you feel at home. He nuzzled his face in your neck, "Oh, Y/N, you have no idea how much I missed you, please don't ever do that to me again!", you started stroking the back of his neck and knew that Stiles loved you so much, you were just too blind, "I'll never leave you again, never again. I love you, Stiles!"

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