How You Met Him - Dylan O'Brien

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You were on your way to meet your best friend Y/B/F/N. You haven't seen her in 4 months and you were planning this for a month. You strolled the familiar route, glued to your phone texting her. You knew this route like the back of your hand. You could probably walk this route with your eyes closed. You start walking for about 10 minutes and you turn a corner, you crash into a lanky boy with chestnut brown hair.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I was too focused on my phone and I didn't see you." You explained quickly. "Calm down. I was too glued to my phone too to notice you. Not that I wouldn't notice you anyway! It's just that...that you're really pretty, wow!" The boy stuttered. You both help each other up and clamber off each other. "Well thanks for helping me up... I'll see you then." You said. "Yeah ok... um I'll see you." The boy replied slowly. You started to walk past him, turning back and waving at him. He returned the wave and carried on walking.

You start to regret not asking for his name or number or anything to be honest. It you carry on walking. "HEY! HEY! COME BACK! PLEASE!" You heard, you turned on your heel and looked back at the boy stopping, crouching down on his knees, his hands resting on his knees. He was panting and trying to catch his breath.

You let out a small laugh but wait patiently for him to say whatever he needed to say. "Look, you seem nice and you're really pretty! Maybe we can grab a coffee one day, just talk?" The boy politely asked. "Umm I mean sure, I would love to and I could say the same to you." You say gazing at his beautiful whiskey brown eyes.

"Oh and by the way. I'm Dylan, figured you needed to know that. In case you thought possibly I was a serial killer." You let out a chuckle, "Right, yeah of course, I'm Y/N." you see him smile as he replies with "That's a gorgeous name!" You feel heat rising in your cheeks and you try to hide them with your hands. He passes you his phone and you enter your phone number. "Right well then, now that that's done, I'm guessing you have somewhere you need to be?" Dylan asked. "Right yeah, I'm meeting my best friend now. Should probably tell her I'm gonna be a bit late!" Dylan lets out a slight chuckle. "Yeah you should do that, so I'll call you?" "Yeah, ok looking forward to it" you say in return.

You take out your phone, informing Y/B/F/N that you are a tad late, and blabbering on about how you ran into a cute guy called Dylan. You start smiling as you feel your phone vibrate, you looks down at your phone and see Dylan's text.

Dylan: Better get excited, wanna get a coffee tomorrow? Let's say 11:00?

You: Sounds perfect, see you tomorrow, Dylan.

Dylan: Looking forward to it Y/N!

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