Key - Jealousy

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With Key's schedule​ being so busy and him leaving for Japan, the two of you haven't seen each other in almost two weeks. Loneliness was setting in and your longing for his touch was starting to drive you crazy.

Picking up the phone, you looked at the time. It was almost midnight and Key hadn't messaged you to let you know that he had arrived at the airport. "Kibum-shii." Worry filled your heart as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen to pour yourself another glass of wine.

As the red liquid filled the glass, the front door lock sounded and the front door opened. Your heart thundering inside of your chest, you set the bottle of wine down and made your way around the kitchen toward the living room. As the front door shut, you saw his back first. His red blonde hair was the first thing you saw after his back, but that hair was all you needed to see to know who was inside your home.

Unable to speak, you gave him no time to turn around before you attached his back with a hug. Tears spilled down your face as you felt his body shake with quiet laughter. "I thought you would be sleeping, noona." he said, his voice sounding tired even though he was chuckling. "That's why I didn't call." Key took your arms from around his neck, placed his bags on the floor, and turned around to face you.

Your eyes took each other in. "It feels like forever since I gazed into your eyes, jagiya. Come here." Key reached out and pulled you into a tight embrace. You fold your arms tightly around each other and inhale his rustic scent of his body wash and musk. All Key. "I've missed you so much, jagiya. So much."

"I feel the same." Looking up, Key moved swift and captured your lips with his own. He kissed you softly before pulling away and looking down at you sleepily.

"Because I am too tired to do it now, in the morning you are going to get a spanking for drinking wine this late at night. Do you understand?" You nodded your head before both of you made your way toward the bedroom.

(The Next Morning)
Walking into the kitchen, you smiled upon seeing Key standing at the stove cooking. It was a sight that you had missed. "Joheun achim, Jagiya. I am making your favorite. Veggie omelette." You walked deeper into the kitchen, the yummy aroma of his cooking filling the room and making your stomach growl. "You need to eat up because I promised the guys we would go over after breakfast." You nod your understanding, making your way to the coffee pot and fixing you and Key both a cup.

Pulling up at the dorm house for SM, Key parked in his usual spot. You leaned over and planted another kiss on his lips before you both got out of the car. Key shut his door and rushed to your side. He took your hand and lead you into the building. You both wore matching shirts that Key had bought from Japan on his trip as well as jean shorts to complete the outfit.

Walking into the cool building, you and Key walked over to the elevator and stepped inside. Key pulled you into his arms and kissed up and down the side of your neck. You tilted your head to the side, giving him a better access point of your throat, his arms pulling you closer so that his hips pressed against your butt. Bitting your lip, you tried to pretend you didn't feel the bulge pressed against your butt, but it was hard when he started grinding himself against you. "If I had known being alone in the elevator would have gotten you so frisky we would have stayed home longer and had fun." you mumbled, reaching back to play with his hair.

"I know but the guys wanted us to come over and I just wanted to get it out of the way." He sounded so whiny as he complained, causing a chuckle to slip free as you leaned back against him.

As the elevator door opened, you and Key walked out and toward SHINee's door. Key opened the door, pulling you in after him. "______-Noona!!!" You found yourself being embraced tightly by Taemin before you could step from behind Key. You smiled, hugging him back before he let you go.

One by one the guys walked over and embraced you, key watching with stern eyes as you were pulled into three different arms. "______-ah. How have you been?" You turned your head and smiled to find Jonghyun walking over and embracing you. He held you tight against his chest and kissed your cheek affectionately.

"Hi, dino." Before you could say any more, Key grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him.

"Yah, Jonghyun!!! It's one thing to flirt with me, but keep your perviness away from ______ Noona!!!" You let out a giggle at Key's jealous response and quickly kissed his cheek so as to redirect his attention to you. Key quickly kissed your lips, caressing your face as he claimed you for himself. "My kisses are better than theirs, right, Jagiya?" he asked, brushing his thumb over the spot where Jonghyun had kissed you.

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