Key & Lacey

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[[this story will be told in Keys's perspective. Dedicated to EricaDonnici6

Kibum walked out of the store carrying a few bags in his hand, his eyes on the text messages between him and his wife, Lacey. Her last reply was that she had spent all day in the bathroom and that she thought she had the flu. Worried about her, Kibum had stopped at the store after practice to pick her up some soup and crackers as well as some medicine for upset stomachs. Secretly he had bought a pregnancy test at the advisory of his manager.

Reaching the house, Kibum let himself in, and went searching for Lacey. "Jagiya, I'm home." He spoke softly through the bathroom door where he heard her sickness. His heart aches for her. "I bought you something's that might help."

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened and Lucey walked out with a cold towel, whipping at her face. She was pale, but still beautiful. "Gomabseubnida, yeobo." She touches his arm gently. Having him home made her feel a little better. "I'm sure it's just a bug." He scoffed.

"A bug that's lasted three weeks, jangiya? I highly doubt that." Lacey frowned, wondering why she had been feeling so lousy for the past few weeks. Usually she was in great health. She took very good care of herself and Kibum, who also took very good care of her. She never got sick, so whatever she had was being a pain in the ass.

Making their way into the kitchen, Kibum motioned her to sit at the table while he unpacked the bags. Lacey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion upon seeing the familiar box sitting between the crackers and boxes over instant soup. "Kibum, honey. Why do you have a pregnancy test?" Face burning how with embarrassment, the two looked at each other.

"Manager hyung suggested I buy it after I told him your symptoms, so I just picked it up," Lacey looked down at the box with knots in her stomach. She had never thought she could be pregnant. They were always so careful.

Biting her lip, Lacey put the box down and nudged it away. She was too afraid of what it would say to even think about it at the moment. "Here, jangiya. Eat some of these." He places a small plate in front of her with small baked crackers and sat down beside her. "Hopefully you will be able to hold these down." Lacey smiled thankfully toward the man of her dreams and picked up a cracker.

Surprisingly she was able to eat all of the crackers Kibum had placed on her plate, and she smiled, relieved to find that she no longer felt nauseous. "I think the crackers worked." Kibum smiled, proud of himself, and held his hand out.

"Why don't we go watch a movie?" Smiling, Lacey accepted his hand, and they made their way into the living room. She sat down, handing him the remote, and watched quietly as he flipped through the Tv stations. Lacey leaned her head on his shoulder, yawning quietly as she enjoyed the quality time she was getting with her husband.

Opening her eyes, she yawned again, realizing that she had fallen asleep. Upset with herself that she had waisted such precious time with Kibum, she looked over apologetically only to find him snoring softly. Smiling, she moved from the sofa and walked over to the table. Her eyes fell upon the pink box waiting patiently for her and bit her lip.

'I'm not pregnant,' she told herself over and over. Still she found herself picking up the box and staring at. She looked down at her flat stomach and tried to imagine it round with a baby growing inside. The idea made her heart tighten in her chest. Was she and Kibum ready for a baby? He was an idol at the prime of his life. They were young. Enjoying what little time they got together. If she were pregnant then that would mean less time for them to be alone together. Then again, Lacey could picture her husband with an infant in his arms that looked just like him. She remembered how good he was on Hello Baby. A smile crosses her face as she absentmindedly caresses her stomach.

Turning around, she walked past a sleeping Kibum, and toward the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and flipped the box around so that she could read the instructions.

Standing in front of the sleeping male on the sofa, Lacey held the test in her shaking hand, tears in her eyes as she prepared to tell the man she loved that she was pregnant. Her heart was pounding, her stomach was filled with butterflies, and her hands were shaking.

Reaching out, she shook Kibum until he opened her eyes. It only took a few seconds before he shot up from his sleeping position on the sofa and looked her over. "What's wrong, jangiya? What is it?" His voice was laced with fear as he took in her anxious and fearful expression. Looking down at her shaking hands, he found her holding what he assumed was the test. Reaching out, he softly took the test from her and looked at it. "Two pink lines? What does that mean?" He eyes roamed her face as she began to silently cry.

"I'm pregnant," she confessed, moving toward him, in desperate need for his comfort. Kibum wrapped his arms around Lacey, a smile plastered over his face.

"Ya, jangiya, that's great! I'm so happy," Lacey looked up him confused. He was happy?

"But your career," Kibum shook his head, moving so he could look into her eyes, still smiling a fool.

"A baby isn't going to stop my career, jangiya. As long as I have you, we will be able to raise our baby to have a wonderful life." He leaned down, kissing away her tears, and then kissing her lips. She smiled, kissing him back. They were going to be parents.

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