Supportive - Jonghyun

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You sat on the floor of your bedroom with the picture of your grandmother held loosely in your hand. Tears spilled from your eyes, the phone laying abandoned on the floor beside you. A knock on the door caused you to break into hysterical sobs as the knowledge that you would have to admit to her passing was moments away.

This morning your mother had called to tell you that your last living grandmother had passed away in her sleep. "______?!" You could hear the anger in his voice as Jonghyun pounded on your door. "Open the door, ____! I have been trying to call you all morning and your ignoring my calls! Now you wont open the door?!"  You couldn't bring yourself to move to the door, but that didn't matter. Jonghyun had a spare key to your home so if he really wanted in, he could.

Within moments Jonghyun was inside of your apartment with an angry look on his face. "Why-" He stopped mid question when he saw you sobbing on the floor in a ball. His anger evaporated as he rushed to your side, pulling you into his arms. "______? What's the matter?" He held you to his chest, rocking back and forth.

You clung to his shirt, trying to calm yourself as your body and breath shook unevenly. "Maw maw Sungloo has... She's gone." With the muttering of those words, you broke down once more, clinging to Jonghyun as if he too would vanish from your life.

Feeling like a creep for being so angry at you, Jonghyun could feel tears stinging his eyes. "Oh, Jangi. I am so sorry." He held you tight, letting you sob against his chest as he promised he was there for you if you wanted to talk about it. He knew how close you were with your grandmother, and he knew that with your busy schedule that you hadn't gotten a chance to say goodbye. "I know it's not much, but I love you and I am here for you. I promise I wont leave you."
Word From the Author:
Sorry. This one was personal. My grandmother passed away two weeks ago and this was my way of letting some of my pain out.

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