Chance Meeting- Jonghyun

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Dedicated to a loyal reader: Miss Alina. Thank you so much for your support and requests. I hope that through these chapters I am helping Jonghyun live on in your memories.


Jonghyun pressed his foot down on the gas causing the car to dangerously pick up speed. His mind was hazy and his eyes were blurred with tears, but he didn't slow down. He was prepared to end all of his pain and suffering by his own hand, but he wanted one more night in the rays of the moon. One chance to breathe the night air before he would bring himself to finally rest.

Closing his eyes briefly, the car swerves in an hasty manner. His heart throbs inside if his chest. He wants so desperately to rid himself of the loneliness he suffers with and the pain of always being judged and hated. Yes, he has wonderful fans, and close friends, but being under the ever watching eye of society has left its mark on his mind and heart, branded him like a hot iron. Rest. That's all he wants right now.

Opening his eyes, Jonghyun looks at his surroundings as he reaches a bridge. On the side of the bridge he makes out a small figure holding on as if the person is debating to jump or not. He frowns. If he just keeps driving, this person will end their suffering just as he plans to. It's their decision, right? He should keep driving and worry about himself.

Pulling over to the side of the bridge, Jonghyun turns off his car and steps out. At this time of night there is no traffic, so he doesn't worry about being run over with a car. As he walks closer, he realizes that the figure he saw was actually a young girl, and his heart starts to beat from fear. She was younger than him, so seeing her like this made him shocked. What would be so bad that she wanted to end her life? Did she feel as lonely as he did? "Annyeong." His voice in the quiet caused the girl to jump and look at him. Instantly he saw the tears stained on her face and the tears welled up in her brown eyes. "It's a nice night, isn't it?"

"Don't come any closer, Oppa." she pleaded, turning her face from him and leaning further over the dark water below.

"Why? Are you hurting so much that death seems like the only way to end it?" Slowly he walked closer, reaching her side in as little as a minute. "I'm gonna come over, and we can talk, alright?" He grabbed the ledge of the bridge. "Don't move, ok." Slowly and carefully he swung one leg over the railing, followed by another. Finally he sat beside her, their arms brushing he sat so close. "Thank you for not moving." Brushing hair behind his ear, he looked at her. Her face showed all the pain she must have kept inside for so long. It was like looking into a mirror. "What's your name?"

Her chest rose as she took in a shaky breath. "Alina." He nodded.

"I'm Jonghyun." He sat on the railing of the bridge. "Is it alright if I hold your hand, Alina-yah? I'm kind of scared standing on the edge like this." His eyes watched her from the corner as he held his right hand out to her, hoping that she would take it. "I promise, I won't bite." Holding his hand steady, he felt a wave of relief crash over him as she reached a shaky hand out and slipped it into his. He smiled. "Thank you." he whispered, closing his fingers around her hand. "You know, I'm here if you want to talk about what's bothering you."

Turning his head, he saw a fresh wave of tears rolls down her face. "I don't deserve to live, Oppa." Her voice was soft, fragile, and as she spoke, she began to cry again. "My father drinks a lot ever since my mother passed away last year." He wants to apologize for her loose, to bring her close to him and hold her as a way of comforting her, but in their current position they can't really afford to move around. "I work to help support him, but when he gets drunk, he." Alina hesitates, her voice trailing away. Jonghyun turned his head to look at her.

"He hurts you?" She doesn't have to say it for him to know that it's true. Even in the darkness of the night sky, the moon is shining bright enough on them for him to see the bruise on her face. She nods her head.

"He doesn't mean it." She's quick to defend him, something everyone does in these types of situation. It's never the abusers fault. The victim is always the reason for their outburst of anger. "I work all the time, and when I am home, I am just in the way. I don't cook or clean like her,"

"That's no excuse, Alina." Jonghyun glares out over the icy cold water below, pulling his coat tighter around him. "He's a father. He should never raise his hand to his child." Her tears come quickly now, and he growls in annoyance. "Alina-yah, come over to my car. It's freezing out here. You're going to get sick." When she stiffens, Jonghyun shakes his head. "Ending it like this is not something you really want to do. If it was, you would have done when I tried to come closer. Instead, you're holding my hand, talking it me. You're freezing and shaking. Climb over the railing and get your ass in my car, now." He's harsh with his words, but knows that if he doesn't get her over the railing and in the warmth of his heater, she's gonna die of the cold before she hits the water. "Please." His heart skips a beat when she turns to climb over the railing. Once they are both on the safety of the bridge, he lets go of a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Thank you, Alina." He ushers her toward his car, opening the front door and sitting her inside. He runs around to the drivers seat and jumps inside. "Let me take you home." When Jonghyun starts the car up, she starts sobbing. "It's going to be alright. I promise." He knew he shouldn't mae those promises, but right now, he wanted her to believe it just as mush as he wanted to.

[Time Jump to present time]

Two years ago Jonghyun saved the life of his closest friend, Alina. She had been so weak and vulnerable back then. He remembers when his manager had found the two of them on the sofa together the next day. He had screamed at Jonghyun, telling him that she was nothing but a plabicity stunt that was going to bite him in the ass and ruin his image. Having had brought her to his house and spent the night together! Jonghyun had pleaded that they hadn't done anything, but his manager warned the girl was no good.

Sitting on the floor of his bedroom he flipped through all the photos of him and Alina on his phone. Ever since that night he hadn't been able to get her out of his head. She had been so strong to stay a live, and even found a way to help her father get rid of his drinking problem. He loved her, even though he was too shy to tell her. And tonight, due to his insomnia, he was going to call her.

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