Stepping Out to the Movies

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     Standing in front of the mirror, Hyunah looked at her reflection in disappointment. She hated having to wear men's clothes so that she could go out in public with Jonghyun, but if his fans saw him with anyone that wasn't one of his members, then they would assume he was dating again and all things in her life would go to hell in the blink of an eye. His fans were so passionate and crazy that they would find out who she was, stalk her social media accounts and spread nasty and hateful words at her. Not to mention if she ever went out in public they would harass her and probably hurt her anyway they could until they broke up.

    Sighing, Hyunah pulled her long brown hair up into a bun on top of her head, and slipped a beanie over so that she looked more boy-like. Jonghyun slipped behind her and helped tuck in some hair in the back. "I'm sorry it has to be like this, jagiya." he whispered, trying his best to help ease her hurt feelings.

    "It's okay, really." Turning around, she reached her hand up and caressed his sad face. "If this is what I have to do to be able to go to the movies or out with you, then it's worth it." She smiled up at him, hoping he believed her, and was rewarded with a smile. It wasn't his usual bright smiles, but it wasn't his sad, hurt face anymore. "Do you think I pass for a boy, uri-gangaji?" Hyunah took a step back so that he could look at her attire. She was dressed in loose fitting blue jeans that left her with pretty much no ass, and a loose fitting T-shirt with "Grr" from Invader Zim on the front. her figure was gone, and thanks to Kibum's help, her breasts were wrapped in tape and she was flat chested, to an extent. Her breasts were still visible if she had wore a tighter shirt, but this baggy one left more room to hide them.

    Spinning around so he could see all of her, she waited for his response. "I already miss your figure, jagiya." he whined, grabbing her hips and pulling her against himself. Hyunah giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "You look like Taemin a little." he whispered, though she could tell he was trying to help ease her worry. "Have you gotten your walk down? You can't shake your hips when we leave the house, jagiya." She pulled back and tilted her head ever so slightly.

    "I don't 'shake my hips' when I walk." she countered, trying to picture herself walking with her hips shaking. He kissed the tip of her nose and she smiled. "Okay, so maybe I do when I know you're watching." A small blush crept across his cheeks as he motioned toward their bedroom door. "Are the others alright with us missing dinner tonight to see a movie?" she asked, following Jonghyun toward the hallway.

    "Yeah, Key says he misses cooking." Shrugging, she felt slightly bad now. She only cooked every night because she knew that by the time they got home they were all tired and she wanted to make their home life a little easier.

    Reaching the front door, Hyunah turned to Jonghyun and put bit her bottom lip. Noticing her sudden shyness, Jonghyun raised an eye brown and looked down at her curiously. "Something wrong, jagiya?" he asked, reaching out and cupping her chin softly as his thumb ran over her bottom lip; releasing it from her teeth. A dark blush crept up over her cheeks as he looked at her the way a lion looks at it's prey. With hunger and longing.

    "Once we leave the house I can't hold your hand or kiss you..." Her face turned bright red as she admitted the reason for her hesitation. However, Jonghyun looked hurt again, like all of this was his fault, and suddenly she felt bad for bringing it up.

    "Then perhaps I should dress in disguise instead of you? We could be normal people out on the town?" Her eyes lit up for a second before she shook her head.

    "I don't want to be normal people. I like being you and me, even if that means I have to dress like Taemin when we go out." Reaching up, Hyunah grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt and pulled him down at her level so that she could plant a passionate kiss on his lips. He pulled away with a big smile on his face making her heart jump. She loved the fact that his smiles were because of her. Pulling the mask from her pocket, Hyunah adjusted it over her face so that all you could see were her eyes, and then slipped on a pair of sunglasses that matched Jonghyun's.


    Walking out of the house that had graciously been given to them once things became serious between them by the company, Hyunah felt as if she had taken on an acting role. Putting herself in the role of  a male friend of Jonghyun's, she walked the way the guys had taught her, and made sure to keep some distance between herself and Jonghyun, not wanting to draw any more attention to the two of them. It was bad enough that whenever Jonghyun walked outside he was swarmed by fans, and right now was no different. They all called to him, asking where he was going, telling him how handsome he was and asking who he was with. One girl called Hyunah handsome, and Hyunah did her best not to react, but deep down inside she wasn't sure if she was suppose to be flattered, or feel proud because they really believed her to be a guy. So behind her mask she smiled proudly at herself that she was actually pulling this off.

When they reached the theater, Jonghyun held the door open for her, letting her walk in first. The cool air conditioned building was a big change from the musky heat of summer, and wearing the beanie was causing her hair to become sweaty, along with the rest of her. Wanting desperately to take off her hat, she slipped her hands into her pockets to keep them from pulling the hat off. "What movie are we watching?" she asked, trying to talk like a guy, but failing miserably. Jonghyun laughed, trying to hide it as much as he could, but Hyunah glared at him playfully.

"I was thinking of maybe Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. Does that sound good to you?" Jonghyun turned his head to look down at Hyunah who was scanning the different posters to find the one he was talking about. When her eyes landed on a creepy looking one of an abandoned asylum. Not wanting to embarrass herself again, she simply nodded her head that she was fine with it. He smiled warmly and reached out to caress her face, but stopped as he got close, frowning. They were in public, but once they were in the darkness of the theater he would touch her all he wanted. The two of them walked over to the ticket desk and ordered their tickets before walking over to the concession stand. "Is there anything you want?" Hyunah shook her head. If she got something to drink she would miss some of the movie going to the bathroom and she didn't want to waist any time with him. Nodding his understanding, Jonghyun and Hyunah walked away from the service clerk with a smile and headed to their assigned theater where the movie would be starting soon.

Sitting in their seats as if they weren't a couple sneaking around in public, the two watched the different previews for other movies coming out, and they both even danced around when SHINee's preview for their new comeback showed up, Jonghyun smiling proudly even as a few girls in the theater turned to watch and take more pictures. After a while, the lights went out and the movie started. Sitting in the very back, away from everyone else, the two scooted a little closer. Her eyes darted around as Jonghyun's hand reached out and caressed her own. "Do you plan on sitting so far from me the whole movie, jagiya?" he whispered into her ear, his tongue snaking out to lick her ear lobe teasingly before settling back in his seat as if nothing had happened. Blushing furiously, Hyunah scolded herself for blushing so much. She should be use to this kind of teasing from him. Jonghyun was a big flirt when they were together, even if the two were trying to be inconspicuous. Feeling brave, she scooted much closer, the only thing blocking her from leaning fully on him being the armrest between them. Smiling to herself at his desire to be closer to her, Hyunah wondered how she ever got so lucky to win the heart of this handsome God.

Lifting his hand to her mouth, she softly kissed the back of his hand, laying feathered kisses across his knuckles as she took in the scent of his aroma. "I love you, Jonghyun." she whispered, wanting desperately to scream it from the rooftops. She wanted the whole world to know that she loved this man and wasn't giving him up for nothing. He tilted his head and rested it on top of hers.

"I love you too, Hyunah." His words made her heart beat faster, leaving her in a euphoric bliss of his love.

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