Proposal - Onew

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"Eunbi?" Jinki held the phone close to his ear and smiled at the lyrical voice on the other end. "I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me?" Jinki could feel his nerves getting to him as he asked his four year long girlfriend on a date. They hadn't seen each other in three months because of his world wide tour, but now SHINee was given a break and he couldn't think of any other way he would want to spend it than with the love of his life. "Great. I'll see you soon." Jinki hung up the phone and stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Dressed in his blue jeans and light blue collared shirt, Jinki couldn't help but feel the butterflies dance in his stomach. Never had he felt this nervous before a performance. In his mind he was standing on a clif and their was only one of two ways this was going to go. Either Eunbi would save him from the clif or she would push him off.

Pulling up to her house, Jinki put the car in park, picked up the bouquet​ of white Lilly's and slipped out of the vehicle. As he walked over to the door Jinki wondered if he should hide the flowers to surprise her or just let her see them first.

Before he could knock on the door, or decide, Eunbi was walking out the door dressed in a beautiful blue sun dress with her usually straight black hair done up in curls and pinned back from her beautiful oval face. Jinki's jaw dropped open as he stared in awe at the woman before him. Though it had only been three months, to Jinki in this very moment, it felt too long since he had seen her. "You look beautiful, Eunbi." he told her, pulling the young woman into his arms and embracing her warm body to his.

"I missed you so much, Jinki!!!" Moving back while keeping her body to his, Jinki swooped his head down and pressed his lips feverishly against hers. This was what he wanted to come home to every night. This was his reason for living.

"Are you ready?" Eunbi nodded and accepted the flowers as the two walked to Jinki's car.  Opening the door for her, Jinki allowed Eunbi into the car before running around and sliding into the drivers side; only stumbling once.

When they reached the park, Jinki slipped his hand into Eunbi's and walked beside her through the shade of the trees. The park was beautiful this time of the year. The flowers were in bloom and the birds sang their love of spring. Couples walked around the park, others taking photos of him with Eunbi. Jinki paid no mind to any of them though. His mind was too focused on the woman beside him.

"How was the tour?" Jinki was shaken from his thoughts as Eunbi asked him a question. Her curiosity about his life always brought​ joy to his heart because he knew that she cared about him.

"It was fun. Everyone received us warmly and showed us so much support. Shawols are growing everyday." He gave her hand a squeeze as he looked down at his feet. "However, I really missed having you with me. Next time Sooman Hyung says that you will be able to come with me." Jinki glanced over at Eunbi to find her staring at him confused. She knew that it wasn't allowed that anyone outside of the company was allowed to go on tour with the idles, so what would make next time different?

"That sounds exciting." She would be lying if she said she wasn't happy to hear the news. However she could see that he had something on his mind that he wasn't telling her.

Jinki felt his heart swell as Eunbi wrapped her arms tighter around his arm, her head moving to rest on his shoulder as they got closer to their destination. "Come on." Jinki lead her over to the small pond in the middle of the park.

"Are you alright?" Eunbi asked, noticing that he was looking around nervously. Jinki looked down at her as if he were hiding something and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm ok." He knew that she didn't buy it by the skeptical yet worried expression she wore. He was beginning to feel guilty. Suddenly a light hit his eyes and Jinki looked over to see his friends standing with the sign spread out for all to see. His chest tightened as he looked back down at Eunbi and took in a deep breath. "What's that?" he asked, pointing over toward the guys.

Eunbi turned around and Jinki dropped down to one knee, pulling the silver ring with three big beautiful diamonds from his pocket and held it up just in time for a teary eyed Eunbi to turn around and gasp again. Her hands flew to her mouth as tears swelled in her eyes. "Eunbi Lee. We've known each other for five years, four of which you've made the best years of my life. These five years have changed my life and my world. I no longer want to spend my life as your boyfriend. Eunbi, I want to spend the rest of my life as your husband. Will you marry me?"

Jinki felt like he was about to fall off the clif with each word he said, putting his heart on the line once again. Eunbi lowered her left hand down toward him as she took and a breath and shakily said, "Yes."

She had just saved him from the clif.

Jinki slid the ring onto her finger before standing up and wrapping her in his arms as she kissed his lips. Cheering could be heard around them as his friends ran  them, all of them excited that Eunbi had said yes.

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