Warning! use caution
When activating device.
May cause dizziness, disorientation
Or, in rare cases, death. Do not use this
Contraption if ill, intoxicated,
Or buried alive. Even if used properly,
Could result in transportation
To different dimensions, planets,
Or restricted, government owned property.
Be careful to properly activate rotors.
If not done correctly, brain pressure
or explosion will occur. Warning!
Timer is set to five minutes.
After five minutes and no wormholes
Concocted, death of user is inevitable.
Remember to use caution when meeting
Doppelgangers, using interplanetary travel, and
Speeding through the space-time continuum.
Poems in the dark of night
ŞiirPoems that I can't express to anyone through words spoken, so I put them on paper. Words that explain hardships and times I can't sleep because of these thought roaming through my brain.