Lafayette is a 12 year old girl who spent most of her life in an orphanage. Her mom, a single mom of 4 children, including herself the youngest, struggled in a small, 3 bedroom room apartment. But when she was 4, you apartment building caught on fir...
(Yay! Chapter twenty! I got two picture book out. One is called "My Aesthetics Blog" and "Supernatural Photo Book". Please go check it out!)
Lafayette woke up early to the sound of Misha saying her name. "Lafayette,wake up." Misha said. "I'm up!" Lafayette half yelled, blinking rapidly to see more clearly. Misha smiled and laughed as Lafayette groaned because she had to wake up. "C'mon Kitten, I'll get you a muffin." Misha laughed so more as Lafayette yelled.
"It's too bright in her. You know I'm part Vampire that Sam and Dean haven't killed yet!" Lafayette groaned. "If you keep complaining I'll hand you right over!" Misha said. "No! I thought you loved me!" Lafayette laughed. "I'll love you more if you keep your mouth closed." Misha smirked, bringing her a muffin.
Lafayette hummed a thank you but gave him puppy eyes. Misha sighed and shook his head. "Fine, you can open!" Misha told her. "Yay!" Lafayette giggled and toke a bite out of her muffin.
Lafayette's outfit:
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"Dad where are you!" Lafayette said, coming out of the bathroom all dressed and ready. "I'm here sweetie." Misha laughed, coming out of the kitchen pulling a shirt over himself. Lafayette stood there wide eyed but soon giggled. "What?" Misha asked with a smirk on his face. "Dad! Your like in your early 40's! How!" Lafayette squeaked, flailing her arms around. Misha laughed and headed back into the kitchen and finished his coffee.
They left the hotel to the convention center and met Jensen and Jared in the parking lot. "Hey, Jared! Hey Jensen!" Lafayette giggled. "Hey, munchkin! Glad your gonna be here the whole weekend!" Jensen smiled. "Please say your gonna be here the whole day?" Jared asked.
Lafayette nodded and giggled some more as Jared and Jensen hugged her and then they hugged Misha. "Good cause I want you to meet my 3 little maniacs later," Jared said. "What?" Lafayette tilted her head but then realized by maniacs he meant his kids and got all excited. The three men laughed at her excitement.
They went in and Lafayette was still excited to meet Jared's kids and also his wife who was bringing them. As she walked in behind her father, the first person she noticed was Mark Pellegrino. 'Oh, Chuck isn't he handsome. He is such a sweet person. How could he play the Devil I mean-' Lafayette caught herself in a daydream? 'Stop it darn it!' She thought. She quickly looked away from him and caught up with her fathers conversation with Jared and Jensen.
"We both are doing a panel with you," Jensen said to Misha. Lafayette knows she will probably not be on stage or be on stage along with her father. Jensen looked over at Lafayette, but she was too distracted looking around. He smiled as the three men looked back at her.
Lafayette felt them looking at her and looked back at them. "What? Am I doing anything wrong? I didn't mean too!" Lafayette quickly said. The men laughed and shook their heads. "No, no. C'mon, just keeps up." Misha finished laughing and hung an arm around Lafayette's shoulders.
The four of them sat down in the back of the green room. Lafayette pulled out her phone to check the time. 8:03 am. She was a bit tired from waking up early. Suddenly, Lafayette yawned but then leaned against her father. "I'm tired." She softly mumbled. "You've been saying that the whole car ride," Misha complained.
Lafayette giggled a bit and Misha wrapped an arm around her. Lafayette's green eyes sparkled as they were looking all over the green room. She heard Jared and Jensen laugh a little at her actions. She poked Misha's cheek with her nose and poked the tip of his nose with her finger. "You are just like West and Maison!" Misha said. Lafayette giggled again and got off of him. "But in your favorite right?" Lafayette asked with a smirk. Misha rolled his eyes which made Lafayette, Jared, and Jensen laugh.