Lafayette is a 12 year old girl who spent most of her life in an orphanage. Her mom, a single mom of 4 children, including herself the youngest, struggled in a small, 3 bedroom room apartment. But when she was 4, you apartment building caught on fir...
Lafayette went to her bedroom and plopped down onto her bed. She picked up her phone and sees a text notification. Dallas had texted her about coming over to her place to have a sleepover with a couple friends of hers. Lafayette smiled and decided to go back downstairs.
She walked into the kitchen to see West and Maison playing around. "Hey, what are you little munchkins doing?" Lafayette asked her little siblings. The two giggled and looked up at Lafayette with big smiles on their faces. "We are playing tag!" Maison half yelled, giggling her little self away.
West rushed to Maison and tagged her, "Tag! I got you Maison!" he soon yelled. "No!" Maison pouted, but she soon chased after Lafayette. "Maison, please! I let you have the last Oreo last night!" Lafayette laughed.
After Lafayette played with West and Maison for awhile, she went up to her mother. "Hey mom, Dallas texted me earlier and asked me if I could sleep over at her house for a day or two with her friends. Can I go?" She asked.
"Of course, you really need to get out the house. Plus, you need to hang out with her more! Dallas is a really nice girl!" She told her. "Thanks, Mom! Love you!" Lafayette smiled and pulled out her phone to text Dallas.
"But you have to go by her parents' rules, okay?" Vicki said. Lafayette nodded and put her phone back into her pocket. "When should I drop you off?" She asked. "Around three o'clock," Lafayette answered. "So in an hour and a half, got it!" Vicki smiled at her daughter as she went up to her room.
Lafayette got a duffle bag out of her closet and threw it on her bed. She looked through her closet for decent things to wear. Of course, she grabbed a couple of flannels!
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She arrived at Dallas's house, and can her blasting music. "Whoa! She must be having some sort of party." Lafayette said, getting out of the car. "Have fun, love you. Don't do anything to get to get in trouble." Vicki told her. "Love you too Mom." Lafayette smiled. "Just to point this out, your father is coming home in two days," Vicki said. "Yay!" Lafayette said.
The house is actually a mansion, it so huge and it's so elegant. Flowers and beautiful trees decorated the front of the house, plants of all types are scattered throughout the yard.
Lafayette walked up to the door and knocked. Scattered footsteps rushed to the door, barks of dogs are heard at the other side of the door. Lafayette giggled and smiled when Dallas opened up the door. Her dog, a bull mastiff, basically jumped on her.
"Hey, Buddy!" Lafayette giggled as the dog licked her face. Slobber is all over her face. "Kirk! Down boy!" Dallas said, and Kirk obeyed. Lafayette wiped her face with her sleeve and smiled at Dallas. "Come inside you dork!" She told Lafayette.