Chapty Forty-Nine

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Lafayette blushed and said goodbye to Mr. Woodson. As soon as Lafayette got out the door, she ran to her English class with a big smile on her face. She went into the classroom to spot her new friends in the back corner with Dallas. A lot of kids were in the classroom and she was afraid, nervous to meet people, or even make eye contact. Then suddenly, a flashback of meeting people flickered in her brain.

When we went in the green room and Lafayette was slightly behind Misha, holding his hand. People were laughing and talking and having fun with each other. "Hey, Misha!" Jensen said happily, coming over. Lafayette was about to flip out and couldn't help but squeeze Misha's hand and mumble "Oh my god!" under her breath.

She looked to see Jensen smiling and she flinched when he looked down at her. "You must be the kitten!" Jensen said. Lafayette blushed really hard and smiled, she giggled. Misha moved to the side and scooted Lafayette forward. What made Lafayette go crazy was when Jensen hugged her. "You smell really good!" Lafayette squeaked. Jensen laughed and broke the hug.

Lafayette takes a deep breath and walked through the crowd of people, keeping her head low. A guy shoved her a little bit and said, "Watch it.". His friend walked him on the side of his head and told him to apologize but he wouldn't. The friend apologized for him, ending it with a short conversation and a switching of numbers. He wrote his number on her wrist and Lafayette wrote hers on his.

His name is Murphy Hikers and he is really cute. Brown thick hair that was a bit wavy but not curly. Hazel and green eyes that seemed to always sparkle during their short conversation. Murphy has a little pale and a slight jawline. He wore ripped black skinny jeans, a navy shirt, and a grey and black letterman jacket. He didn't seem too athletic or a bad boy, he seemed sweet and cuddly.

Lafayette blushed really hard as she kept walking to her other friends. She knew she would not get over Murphy for a few days. The walk seemed so long for a short walk to the corner. It was just most of the people seemed so friendly and let her pass through.

"H-Hey guys!" Lafayette said quietly, walking up to the guys. "Hey, Lafayette!" Felix half yelled and Lafayette smiled, dimples showing. "How was Performing Arts?" Hayward asked Lafayette. "I loved it. W-We had to write an essay and it's duet-tomorrow and I'm s-so happy about it!" Lafayette answered. "Why are you stuttering, you didn't stutter that much before?" Walter pointed out. "There's a lot of people h-here," Lafayette said.


After school, Lafayette met up with Hayward at the front of the school. "Hey, Lafayette!" Hayward said, walking up to Lafayette. "Hi, Hayward," Lafayette responded. "You like it here at school?" Hayward asked. "Yeah, it's cool here. From what I have seen of the campus, it's really beautiful." Lafayette told him.

"Yep, it really is. Wanna walk to the snack building with me?" Hayward asked. "There's a snack stand? I have no money!" Lafayette said. "I can buy you a snack, plus no one really knows about it," Hayward said. "You would really buy me a snack?" Lafayette asked. "Of course I would!" Hayward told her. "Thank you!" Lafayette said, soon smiled at him.

The shop is beautiful, the building is made of stone and beautiful purple flowers covered the It. "This is amazing, food, books, chairs, also notebooks, school supplies, and more food! This is my dream place!" Lafayette squeaked. "This could be a hideout place for us writers," Hayward said. "Yeah." Lafayette agreed with him.

"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice was heard from behind the two friends as Lafayette tried to get food. "Hey Murphy!" Hayward said. "How's it going!" He continued. Lafayette got on her tippy toes as she reached for M&M's. "Hey, Murphy!" Lafayette said, her sleeve rolled down her arm slightly, revealing a few faint scars on her wrist. Murphy noticed her wrist and soon saddened.

The three sat at a small table in a corner for a few minutes and then Hayward had to leave. "Lafayette?" Murphy said in a questioning manner. "Yeah?" Lafayette said, looking at him. "I know this might not be my business but I've noticed you've got scars on your wrists," Murphy told her. Lafayette was didn't know what to say.

(Bonjour Y'all! Finally getting to Lafayette's scars! Please asks questions about Lafayette! I will simply answer in comments or maybe then it into a chapter! And OH MY CHUCK! 12k? Almost at 50 chapters? Excuse me?)

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