Soon it was just down to Lafayette and everybody who was playing, plus Mark P. and Sebastian came into help, looked everywhere, but the stage and audience. Every once in a while, Lafayette would be caught and everyone would chase her but they'll lose her.
Lafayette had run on stage and sat with Misha for a while. "Where's the girl!" Jensen came out with a mic. The rest of the boys came out with mics too. Lafayette was sitting at the drum set. She takes off running into the audience.
But soon, Pellegrino popped out of nowhere and picked her off her feet. "No! Satan is kidnapping me!" Lafayette laughed, hiding her blush. "Oh, did I hurt you?" Pellegrino smirked. "Awe, sensitive Satan! Satan has feelings!" Lafayette giggled. Everybody else laughed.
"See dad, this is proof that I do have feelings!" Pellegrino pouted, referring to Rob(GOD). Rob laughed and nodded with a smile on his face. "You smell good!" Lafayette giggled some more and Mark laughed, putting you down.
Lafayette snapped out of her flashback to the bell and tried to get all her stuff together. The bell was louder than the other bells. A couple kids quietly cheered and said 'yes! lunch!'. Lafayette had written 3 pages and also filled the empty spaces with doodles while she tried to think of what to write.
Doodles were on every bit of the paper. When she ran out of space she started to doodle on her hands. Lafayette realized what she was doing but didn't want to erase what's on the paper. Doodles were everywhere. She didn't know what Mr. Woodson would think about it, that's what made her feel weird about doodling on the paper.
"What's your next class?" Walter asked. "English," Lafayette answered him. "Cool, me too! I'll meet you there, I gotta go to the bathroom." Walter said, soon walking out. Lafayette noticed she was the last one in the room besides Mr. Woodson. Lafayette soon got nervous and looked down at her stuff and quickly shoved her things into her bag. She felt eyes burning into her.
"Are you new here?" Lafayette heard Mr. Woodson ask. "Yes sir, I am," Lafayette answered him. "What's your name girl?" Mr. Woodson started to walk towards her, making her more nervous. "M-my name is L-Lafayette." She said, soon shoving the rest of her stuff in her backpack and standing up. "Your last name is Collins?" Mr. Woodson smiled.
"Yes s-sir, that's my last n-name." Lafayette stood up and but her book bag on her back. "So your Misha Collins kid." Mr. Woodson stated. "Y-yes sir, he is my d-dad," Lafayette said. "Well, I guess I would look forward to maybe see him at a parent-teacher conference that is coming up in late October."
As Lafayette walked out of the auditorium, Mr. Woodson said, "Your quite an artist and a writer!". Lafayette turned around to see that her paper was in Mr. Woodson's hand. "Oh, um. Th-thank you." She weakly smiled. "Are you sure your name isn't Hamilton and not Lafayette?" Mr. Woodson joked and walked towards Lafayette, handing her the paper.
Lafayette smiled and looked down at her feet. "You have a talented kid, hope you know that. Plus, don't look down at the ground, your smile needs to shine." Mr. Woodson softly chuckled. "You already seem like a fantastic writer." He continued.
(Sorry for the short chapter! I need lots of feedback!)

Adopted Without a Sin
FanfictionLafayette is a 12 year old girl who spent most of her life in an orphanage. Her mom, a single mom of 4 children, including herself the youngest, struggled in a small, 3 bedroom room apartment. But when she was 4, you apartment building caught on fir...