Chapter Seventy-Three

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Lafayette was the first up out of the two and she rubs her eyes. She sits up and looks down at her father and sighed. "Wake up dad!" Lafayette giggles as she pokes her dads cheeks.

After a couple seconds of thinking of what to do, Lafayette smiles. She grabs a pillow and tosses it on Misha's stomach. Misha barely even stirs.

The smile on her face widens as she jumps onto Misha, making him groan. "Oh my god! What are you doing child!" He almost yells. "It's time to get up sleeping beauty!" Lafayette giggles and gets up off of Misha.

He groans and slowly starts to get up. "We have to go meet Cassie for breakfast! Then go to con! Then meet Cassie again in the middle of the night cause we weird. Let's go meet Cassie! Let's go right now!" Lafayette says getting out of bed.

She rushes to her bag and basically throws everything out into a pile. "I wanna see Cassie right now!" She says grabbing a Louden Swain shirt, an oversized winter soldier jacket, and jeans and runs to the bathroom.

But of course, she misses the doorway by a lot of inches. Lafayette had crashed into the right of the doorway and fell on her bum. "Really!" She sighs.

Misha quickly gets up and rushes over to Lafayette. "Kitten, oh my god! Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" He asks his daughter. Lafayette pouts and rubs her ankle. "My foot mainly. My butt hurts now!" She answered Misha, but she soon giggles a little. "But I think I'm all good!"

He helps his daughter up and Misha kisses her forehead. "No running. Don't run into a damn doorway again please." He tells her. "Okay, I promise. I really wanna see Cassie though!" Lafayette says, walking into the bathroom. "You are so clumsy Kitten! I know how badly you want to see that girlfriend of yours, but you need to watch where you are going!" Misha laughs quietly as he kisses the top of her head. Lafayette giggles and gets on her tippy toes, kissing Misha's cheek. Of course, Misha lowered his head to help her to do what she wanted to do.

A slight limp, a small headache, and a bum that hurts a bit like hell, nothing more. Lafayette changes into her outfit, trying her best not to hurt herself. All she has on her mind is seeing Cassie. She starts to daydream of her.

Her dimples and eyes. That laugh, that laugh she hears when Lafayette attempts at a joke. Lafayette is shy and awkward about all this stuff. She really likes Cassie. Cassie is an almost totally different person from herself.

Cassie is more athletic, while Lafayette is more on the bookworm side. Lafayette looks forward to going on dates with her. 'I really want this to work out.' Lafayette tells herself.

She soon shakes out of it and puts on her jacket. Opening the door, she sees Misha already has changed and putting on his shoes. Lafayette looks down at herself as she leans onto the doorway.

"Hey Dad?" Lafayette questions as she looks up at her father. "Yeah Kitten? Do you need ice?" Misha asks her. "I'm good Dad, thanks though." Lafayette says to him. "So, what you need?" He asks his daughter.

Misha glances up at Lafayette, seeing her eyes full of mixed emotions he couldn't tell. "Kitten, what's up?" He says, giving her a concerned look. He finishes tying his last shoe and gets up. Lafayette makes eye contact with him, but immediately looks back down at her feet.

Immediately, Lafayette's fingers start to fidget at the seems of the sleeves of her jacket. "Lafayette, are you okay?" Misha asks her. Lafayette hesitates to speak, "Do you like Cassie?". She was quest when she spoke.

Feeling a pair of warm hands placed on her shoulders, Lafayette looks up to see her father looking right back down at her. "Of course!" He tells her, bringing her into a hug. "Cassie is a very nice kid and I see that you two get along very well." He continued.

Lafayette hugs Misha back and feels Misha place his chin on top of her head. "Are you okay with me being bisexual?" Lafayette asks after a little bit of silence. "I am more than okay! You are bisexual and I still love you, I love you just as much as I loved you before I knew you are bisexual! In fact, I love you more and more every day, just how much I love Maison and West!" Misha tells her.

A single tear slides down Lafayette's cheek and she just lets it go. "I love you." Misha mumbles into Lafayette's hair before kiss the top of her head. "I love you too." Lafayette mumbles back. 

"Now, go get your shoes on kitten." Misha says and Lafayette breaks the hug. She gets her socks and shoes, sliding them on. "If you want to talk more about this, I'm up for it. If you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you." Her fathers says.

Tying her shoes, Lafayette looks to Misha. "I know, it's just..." she pauses and looks back at her shoes. "It's just I don't really feel...I feel like I need a little time before I ask...can we talk when we get home, or maybe later?" Lafayette says. Misha nods for a response and Lafayette gets up.

"I'm here for you, forever." Misha says as he wraps his arm around Lafayette's shoulder. Lafayette smiles to herself and looks up at him. "You know, you are amazing. I want to do things you do. You do things for other people and barely think about yourself. Please, please, please, never stop being you." She tells him.

(Bonjour my beans, here is another late update. Please send feedback and maybe some suggestions in the comments, it means a lot, love you guys.)

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