Chapter Forty-Seven

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Lafayette got out a folder full of paper and started to write the paper. She is hesitant about putting down words and just thought it through. She mentioned being adopted a few months ago and spending the summer with her family. Lafayette breathed deeply and started to describe who she is, then started to freak out but soon thinking of her dad and what he told her on her birthday. 'I never knew I was your hero.'

"I never knew I was your hero," Misha said softly. "It's about time you should know," Lafayette whispered to him. "I'll always be here for you Kitten, always. I'll be a better dad." Misha said. "There's no need to be a better dad, you are already the best," Lafayette told him. "I know I am," Misha smirked. "You're a dork, you know that?" Lafayette giggled. "You are a sweetheart, you know that?"

Lafayette smiled and words started to flow down on her paper. She could write endlessly about her father and why Misha Collins is the best father is the best father in the world. Memories of fun moments with her dad started to flow into her mind. Twitter moment!

"Am I really your best friend?" He then asked. "Yes, you are!" Lafayette said. "I love you kitten,"  Misha said, putting a hand on Lafayette's head. "Love you too dad." Lafayette giggled. "Well, I haven't been such a great best friend just throwing that out there, I haven't taken you anywhere. I've kept you stashed out in your room ever since the adoption." Misha said. Lafayette moved her head to where she can look at Misha. "You've taken me out to dinner with Mom and the little rascals!" She giggled. Misha sighed and shook his head with a smile. "That doesn't count sweetheart." He said.

Lafayette kept writing till her hand started to hurt and remixed she needed to flip the page to keep writing. Siblings. She thought it'll be good if she talked about her siblings for a little bit. Lafayette soon remembered that one day when Maison and West were up so late and slept in her bed with her.

"West! What are doing!?!?" Lafayette laughed, sitting herself up in her bed. She soon heard another set of giggles from the door as she heard it open. It was cute little Maison, running in and struggling to get onto her bed. "Oh my gosh, it's a family reunion!" Lafayette said in a country accent making her siblings giggle. Lafayette lifted Maison up onto the bed and into her lap. "LAFAYETTE." Maison partially screamed, not pronouncing Lafayette right. "Shhh, child. It's like three in the morning and we don't want to wake up mom and dad!" Lafayette said softly. "Ok!" Maison nodded. West plopped on the bed and giggled. Lafayette smiled a little bit and laid down. "Let's just go to bed here, I'll think that'll be best!" Lafayette requested. "Yay!" Maison said poking her fingers in Lafayette's dimples. Lafayette laughed as she closed her eyes. But soon enough, West started kicking her leg and Maison kept moving around. Lafayette soon started to regret letting West and Maison sleep in her bed. West kicked her one more time and his foot got her right in the knee. "Oooff! West!" Lafayette puffed out a groan. "I am never letting you guys, ever, sleep in my bed again! I SWEAR!" Lafayette said. Both West and Maison giggled and snuggled up into Lafayette's side. "Gosh, and now you dudes start acting all cute on me, huh?" Lafayette laughed, nudging her siblings slightly.

Lafayette couldn't stop writing about her family life and decided to write about she likes. Clearly, she liked to write and started to write her little project for her dads birthday gift, but then her siblings almost destroyed, but it only brought her and her dad closer as a father and daughter bond.

Everything about her will always tie up to a story about what happened and all the silly things. On the back of her third page, she decided to write about what she likes, including the food and activities she likes to do. She couldn't stop moving her pencil for anything. She was writing like she is running out of time.

(11k reads? 7oo votes? Excuse me! EXCUSE ME. How guys. HOW! This happened SO FRICKING FAST!

 HOW! This happened SO FRICKING FAST!Hooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww!

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Having so many emotions at the same time! How can this be! Guys, you have some explaining to do!)

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Having so many emotions at the same time! How can this be! Guys, you have some explaining to do!)

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