A beautiful first of history and a famous last of an angel. There's no middle to show more of her.
Misha walked in the house, tiredly placing his bags on the floor. He walks into the kitchen and turning lights on, soon noticing a plate of cookies and a note beside. A smile grew on Misha's face and automatically knew that Lafayette did something. He walked to it, picking up the note and started to read it, recognizing Lafayette's neat handwriting.
'Hey, dad! Hopefully, I get the cookies! I miss you and love you a lot! Your awesome and I can't wait to see you! You are the best! I put out some STORE BOUGHT COOKIES!
Love you, Dork.'Misha chuckled and looked down at his feet as he did. "Hopefully this isn't a trick." His smile is glued to his face as he walked to Lafayette's room. He slowly opened the door to see Lafayette curled up under the covers wrapped around her. Misha chuckled once more, seeing his 12-year-old daughter, in a ball of sheets and blankets.
He sat down on her bed and kissed the top of her head. Lafayette soon giggled and opened her eyes. "Kitten, why are you up this early?" Misha asked. "Because I am!" Lafayette giggled again, un-balling herself out of the sheets. "What are you, 5?" Misha asked with a smirk.
"Yeah, 5 inches deep into Dean Winchester!" Lafayette mimicked his smirk. "Lafayette Collins! Bad! Don't say that!" Misha laughed. "Oh, I forgot! Dean is all yours!" Lafayette giggled some more. "Oh Kitten, what am I supposed to do with you." Misha sighed, kissing Lafayette's forehead. "I don't know, let me date Gabriel or Lucifer?" Lafayette asked. "Kitten! No! No angel dating!" Misha growled. "But Gabriel and Lucifer are archangels!" Lafayette stated. "Go back to sleep you wild thing."
Now 8 o'clock in the morning, Misha was thinking about Lafayette. Lafayette Collins. His wife, Vikki came into the living room and sat next to him. Misha kissed her and returned to thinking about his daughter. "Should we do something about a middle name? You know, for Lafayette?" Misha asked Vikki. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about Lafayette having a middle name," Vikki answered.
Misha got Lafayette's birth certificate and it says Lafayette X Hills. X is her middle name? Misha pondered for a little bit, confused. Misha went to Lafayette's room and knocked on her door. "Come in!" Misha heard Lafayette's voice yell.
He came into her room to see his daughter on the floor, with a journal and like the usual, she is writing. "Kitten, can I talk to you?" Misha asked and soon, Lafayette nodded and got up off the floor.
(Bonjour Y'all! Back at you with another chapter! I'm working on 3 new writing projects and hopefully will be ready to put up some chapters up for those! I love you guys!)

Adopted Without a Sin
FanfictionLafayette is a 12 year old girl who spent most of her life in an orphanage. Her mom, a single mom of 4 children, including herself the youngest, struggled in a small, 3 bedroom room apartment. But when she was 4, you apartment building caught on fir...