Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Lafayette runs up and hugs Misha like she was a little child. "How was the panel?" She whispers to him. "It was great." Misha answers his daughter, kissing the top of her her head. "Adorable!" Kim shouts at the two, and Briana echos, "Way to adorable!".

Smiles grow on Misha and Lafayette's faces and they go to sit down. Lafayette cuddles up to the side of Misha and he puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. "Why are y'all such an adorable father and daughter duo?" Jared asks in a whiny voice. Heat rises into Lafayette's cheeks and covers her face.

"You two are way too cute!" Briana says. They rest agree and Lafayette giggles into Misha's shoulders. Misha smiles down at her and laughs, rubbing her arm. "Thanks guys." Hey finally speaks and Lafayette meows in agreement.

She honestly loves this feeling, this feeling with family. Everybody likes how adorable her father/daughter relationship is with Misha. Misha is always very protective of her, but respects the times when she needs privacy. He is exactly what Lafayette needs, a good father. Lafayette looks up to Misha so much, she trusts him enough. She trusted him enough when she got adopted by him.

A little kitten curled up into Lafayette's lap. Lafayette gently started to pet the little kitten. "So cute." She mumbles as the little kitten purrs. A giggle came from Lafayette, watching the kitten yawn. The kitten is very fluffy and is multi-colored.

Misha looks at the kitten, blocking out the sound of everyone talking

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Misha looks at the kitten, blocking out the sound of everyone talking. "Little kitty is so cute." Lafayette giggles quietly. The kitten yawns again, soon it sneezed and rolls on its back. "Awe! It reminds me of you!" Misha whispers, thinking of all the times she falls asleep on his shoulder.

Picking up the kitten, Lafayette looks up at her father, scrunching her nose. "How!" She giggles. "Because it's sleepy and yawning all the time, when your sleepy, you yawn!" Misha explains. Lafayette looks back at the kitten, who is fast asleep.

"Misha!" Someone yells, getting the attention of both Misha and Lafayette. It was The handler from earlier, he is walking towards. Lafayette glares at the man, and so does Rob, Norton, and Jeffrey. The handler stops in her tracks, just looking at Lafayette. Lafayette flips him off, luckily Misha notice, but Jeffrey does. Jeffrey smiles at her and Lafayette smiles right back.

Misha gives the handler a confused look and Lafayette hides her hand. "Yes?" Misha questions and gets up. "Autographs in 10 minutes." The handler told him. "Okay," Misha says, then looks at Lafayette, "you wanna come?". Lafayette nods. They both get up and Misha goes ahead and heads to autographs, Lafayette trailing behind him after putting the sleeping kitten in the pen.

She looks back and smirks at the handler. "Aren't you coming...boy?" Lafayette asks, them runs up besides Misha. Rob, Jeffrey, and Norton laughs, confusing everybody else. "That kitten was so adorable." Lafayette giggling.


Lafayette sits behind Misha, playing on her phone. The text notification went off and a banner is shown at the top of her phone. Hayward.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why you ask?" She asks him, confused.

"The whole Murphy thing, I swear I am going to beat his ass." Hayward tells her.

"Hayward, I'm fine."

"I'll do anything, I'm not gonna sit here and let him be a jerk. Your like my little sister, I swear to CHUCK! I will hurt him!"

"Thanks bro."

"I'm always here for you sis."

"How's the rest of the fam taking this?"

"Dallas already beat him up."

A smile grows on Lafayette's face, laughing a little. "I know she would be the first one, she was the one who sit me up with Cassie, even though I didn't want to date in the first place."

"Lol, I know. She is our mom friend, what do you expect?"


"Felix is freaking out and Walter is making a big deal and making an all out plan."



"Is this going to be a war?"

"Hell yeah, we're going to murder him."

"That's my boys."

"Laffy Taffy, does your dad know?

Lafayette giggles and looks up from her phone a little. She see's Misha hug a fan before signing something. He laughs as Jared and Jensen come in the room. The both of them smile at Lafayette and she smiles right back. The two ruffle with Lafayette's hair.

Jared and Jensen tease Lafayette, her having ginger hair. One time, they were reading some stuff online and said that if you rub a gingers head, it would give you good luck. It always makes Lafayette giggle when the pat her head.

"Yeah. I got really upset and my dad automatically new something was up."

"Well that's a good trait about a father. Your dad is a good dad."

"Thanks Hayward."

"No problem, when are you coming back?"


"The fam and I miss you too much."

"I miss you guys too."

"I wish I was there for your birthday."

"It's fine Hayward, that basketball tournament was big. You won, that's the biggest gift ever! It makes me happy!!!"

"I promise, the fam and I will make everything up to you."

"Y'all don't have too!"

"We HAVE too."

"Oh really?"


Lafayette's smile only grew. She misses her friends a lot.

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