Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Lafayette walks with Misha to his panel. "Are you going to be okay without me?" He asks her. "Yeah, I guess I will. I'll find Briana and Kim or someone to bother." Lafayette tells her father. "Be good, don't let them overwhelm you with the dates." Her father states. Lafayette giggles and hugs him.

As they parted ways, Lafayette made her way back to the green room with the help of one of Misha's 'handlers'. The guy kept calling Lafayette 'girl', which highly bothered her. He is kinda mean and demanding till they bumped into Stephen Norton and Rob. "Oh hey guys!" Lafayette says cheerfully to them. 

"Hey Lafayette!" Rob says back, just as cheerfully. Rob looks over at the handler and automatically knows who the guy is. The handler must be a jerk. "We have something to show her." He tells the handler. "I can't Mr. Benedict. I have to take the girl straight to the greenroom." The handler says.

Balling her fists, Lafayette glares at the handler. "It's mega important! It involves cats!" Norton butts in, making Lafayette ease and laugh. Norton smiles at hearing Lafayette laugh. "No cats. I can't let her, she has to go to the greenroom." The handler says. "But cats!" Lafayette half yells.

After crossing her arms, Lafayette balls up her hands into fists again. The handler started to be really rude to Rob and Stephan. "I know you guys are big celebrities, but I work here. Go find something else to do than trying to take over my job." The handler says. "How about you go find some respect!" Lafayette glares at the handler again as she spoke.

Rob and Stephen smirk as the handler tries to think of something to say. "How about you tell Rob and Norton you're sorry." Lafayette continued. The handler glares right back at her. "I ain't doing what you tell me, girl." The handler says. "If you call her girl one more time or be rude to only one else, I could get you fired." Someone says behind them.

Jeffrey leans against the wall, frightening the handler. The handler nods and walks away, muttering things to himself. "Jeff!" Lafayette squeals, hesitantly walking towards him to give him a hug.

She tightly hugs him, surprises to feel his arms around her. "Thank you." She mutters into Jeffrey's chest. Jeffrey smiles and nods, and the two break the hug. Lafayette admires the man and soon blushes. After they the four talked, Jeffrey went his way as Rob and Stephen leads Lafayette to somewhere.

"Aw! Lucky is so cute!" Lafayette giggles as Norton shows her a picture of his cat, who is in fact named Lucky. "I know!" Norton smiles and the two laugh. Rob smiles too. "Now I have to deal with to cat lovers now!" He groans. Lafayette laughs more and Norton looks at the ground, pouting.

As Lafayette follows Rob and Norton three the halls of the con venture building, she sees a familiar face. She tries to shake it off, but now it's really bothering her. Without knowing, she starts to slow down every minute or two. It got to the point where she was completely in a daze, Rob tried waving a hand in front of her face.

But...she kinda tripped on her shoes lace and starts to fall into Robs hand. Lafayette makes a loud cat noise and her eyes widen. Rob quickly catches her, after her moves his hand so she want face plant into his hand of course.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Asks Rob and Norton gives Lafayette a concerned look. "I'm so, so, so, so sorry! I zoned out! I'm sorry!" Lafayette cried out, covering her face in embarrassment. "It's okay!" Norton automatically says to his fellow new cat loving human being.

Lafayette uncovers her face and looks at the floor. "Lafayette, there's no need to be embarrassed about it! Just tie your shoe!" Rob laughs slightly. Lafayette's cheeks flush with a light pink. Both Rob and Norton laugh.

They continue to walk to behind one of the stages, after Lafayette ties her shoe. "So what is the surprise?" Lafayette asks them. "C'mon!" Rob says as he pulls the curtain out the way. There was no cheering, so there was no crowd. 'Oh thank gosh, not that type of surprise.' Lafayette thinks, smiling.

Lafayette was the first through the curtain and then Rob and Norton came in after. "Oh my chuck! They're so small!" Lafayette squeals as she looks at a couple kittens in a little playpen on the stage.

 "Oh my chuck! They're so small!" Lafayette squeals as she looks at a couple kittens in a little playpen on the stage

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Rob and Norton laugh and go sit by Kim, Briana, the both of them holding kittens. "Any updates on Lafayette and Cassie?" Briana asks eagerly. "I don't know, she doesn't talk about her that much." Rob answers. "All she does is blush and cover her face." Norton says.

Kim and Briana look at each other and smirk. They nod and Kim looks over at Lafayette. Of course, Lafayette was playing with all the kitten and giggling away joyfully. The kittens are crawling all over her, nibbling, meowing, and licking Lafayette.

The four smile and start to laugh when a kitten plopped on Lafayette's face. Lafayette picked it up and she sits up, pouting at them. "Hey Lafayette?" Kim asks, putting on her glasses. "Yes?" Lafayette looks up at Kim. "How's the girlfriend?" Asks Brianna.

Lafayette blushes and covers her face, just like Norton said. The four laugh as she curls up into a ball and the kitten crawl all over her. "Ah! So many kitty's!" She squeals.

As the kittens finally get off of her, she goes and sits next to Rob. "Please tell us more about Cassie!" Kim pleads. "Yesterday was not enough!" Briana continued. Lafayette's checks heat up with a bright red. "Okay, I guess." Lafayette says.

Kim and Briana throw up their hands up in the air in victory. Lafayette giggles and shoves her face into Rob's shoulder, making Rob and Norton laugh. "So!" Briana shouts as her and Kim scoot their chairs towards her, holding a kitten in one hand.

"Well, Cassie is really into sports." Lafayette tells them. Kim and Briana wiggle their eyebrows, making Lafayette giggle more. "She is way more outgoing than I am. She has lots of friends, everyone knows who she is. She is kinda popular, but she wants nothing to do with that kind of stuff." Lafayette says.

Richard's head pops up behind the curtains, scaring the hell at everyone. "Richie! There are little kittens! Be careful!" Lafayette cries. Everyone soon breaks out laughing after Lafayette pouts. Richard smiles as he comes through the curtains, sitting on the other side of Lafayette.

Lafayette gives him a death glare. "Hey! I am just here to listen to you gush over your girlfriend!" Richard chuckles. Lafayette punches his his shoulder and then, crosses her arms. "Yeah, and guess who made me!" She says, looking over at Briana and Kim.

They play innocent and hilariously offended. Lafayette shoves her face back into Rob's shoulder. "Y'all are mean!" She mumbles, but she smiles. Rob smiles and Jensen, Misha, Jared, and Jeffrey walk into the stage. "Y'all are talking about my child without me?" Misha yells, acting completely offended. "We want to talk about relationships!" Norton yells.

(Bonjour, my beans! Okay, here is a really late chapter, I am so sorry! Hopefully this chapter is more like a loving chapter.)

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