Chapter 2: I defeated him in one minute and thirty seconds?

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3 years later


Right hook, left hook, roundhouse.

"Jimin we're gonna be late to catch the plane! Hurry up!" I heard my dad from call me from upstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I can't believe it's been 3 years since I left Korea to come live in LA with my dad. I was gonna miss this house, my friends, my school. It was kinda sad that I was going back to where I got humiliated, but I can deal with it now. I honestly don't care, the past is in the past.

I pated my old punching bag and took my bags to where my dad was waiting for me. "You took your sweet-ass time on purpose didn't you?" Asked my uncle namjoon, who texting someone on his phone.

"I don't know. Did I?" I responded.

He rolled his eyes and went back to texting.

"Ready to go home?" Asked my dad as he pated my back.

"Yeah. I miss my mom and my brother. I'm ready to go back to Busan" I said as I opened the door to the car.

I glanced one more time at the house as my dad pulled out of the driveway. Goodbye LA, California, Hello Busan, South Korea.

When we got in the plane, I noticed my dad would glance at his phone every now and then. That was until one of the flight attendants told him to turn in off. Which he didn't, he just put it on airplane mode.

The flight back home was gonna be long and boring. Good thing I brought my phone and headphones. I plugged them into my ears and put some Halsey on. Oh how I love Halsey. She's so pretty and aesthetic.

It wasn't long until I started to fall asleep while Bruno Mars' Versace On The Floor was playing.

I woke up a few hours later still on the plane.

I turned on my camera to look at myself. My hair was a mess, my eyes were puffy, my cheeks were a shade of pinkish and so were my lips. My thick black glasses a little crooked. I stared at the camera not recognizing myself as I sighed. How did I change so much? I turned off the camera and took out my headphones as they we're getting annoying.

I turned to look at my dad and uncle, who was asleep and my dad, who was reading something on his iPad.

"Something bothering you son?" He asked not looking up from his iPad.

"Just anxious to get home." I said. He nodded and turned off his iPad.

"Wellp! The plane won't land until 5am. So just sit back and relax." He said as he sat back in his seat.

I looked out the window. The sun was setting and the sky was a shade of blue. The clouds we're gathered and made the sky have a shade of orange. It was really pretty. I had to take a picture​.

 I had to take a picture​

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