Chapter 1: You're still my bestfriend

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Jimins POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and I'm really looking forward for today because It's here! It's finally here! My 15th birthday is here!!

I jumped out of bed and went to take a quick shower to get ready for school.

When I got out I looked in the mirror. My dark, straight hair was wet, my eyes were swollen, I wasn't impressed by my look. I'm short and scrawny but I didn't care.

I sighed and walked away from the mirror.

Monday... out of all days my birthday decided to land on a Monday ugh! Don't we all hate Mondays? I put on my uniform and went downstairs for breakfast, but instead I was greeted by my mom holding my baby brother brother who's holding a half eaten cupcake and a present. I laughed at the sight and gave my mom and brother a big hug.

"Thanks mom but you didn't have to do this for me." I said licking off some of the frosting from my brothers cupcake.

"I wanted to dear. Here." She said giving me the neatly wrapped present. "Open it."

I took the present and opened it. Inside the box were a pair of gray sweat pants and a gray sweater. My mom knows I love clothes. Shes partly responsible for my spaceless walk in closet, but continues to buy clothes for me anyways. "Thanks mom." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"I gotta go! I'm meeting up with Yoongi (Suga) at school. I'll be back later! Love you!"

I got to school and went to my locker to get my books for the day, but as I was finishing up, someone took my backpack and threw it across the hall.

"Hey!" I said but regretted it as soon as I saw it was Jungkook and his gang.

You idiot!

"What are you gonna do about it huh? Fag!" He yelled and pushed me against the lockers. "That's what I thought queer."

I was about to say something when Mr. Hitman came out and Jungkook let me go.

"Is there a problem here Mr. Jeon?" He asked looking directly at Jungkook.

"No sir. Just wishing my friend Jimin here a happy birthday." He lied.

You lying son of a-

"Chim!" Yelled Yoongi from across the hall.

"Off to class Jungkook." Mr Hitman told Jungkook. "I'll see you after school for your present Jimin." And with that Mr. Hitman and Jungkook left.

I knew Jungkook was lying about the present, but what could he possibly do to ruin my day more? I shrugged it off and ran to where Yoongi was.

"You okay? What was that all about?" He asked getting his books from his locker.

"Jungkook calling me names again." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"About you being gay?" He asked as he shut his locker. "Is there anything else he does other than call me names for being gay?" I asked sarcastically.

"You have to talk to someone Jimin. I seriously can't take anymore calls from your mom asking me if I know who is beating you up. Every time she calls I feel like I'm going to explode and tell her." Yoongi was right, but I need a little more time to come out to my mom and tell her what goes on during school.

"Just give me until tomorrow. I promise I'll tell her." I told him but he just gave me one of his many looks.

"That's what you said last time. But hey take your time. I'm not worried about you. And neither is your mom or your uncle. We don't care about you at all." He said walking away.

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