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So I got tagged on this thing lol thanks btw. I don't have a lot of readers cause my fanfic is kinda lame so I can't really tag a lot of people. So if you're reading this you're tagged.

So 10 facts about me okay.

1. Nickname

I don't really have one due to my lack of interaction with people and my stupid anxiety. But my family calls me July so idk haha

2. Fav. Color

I like dark colors like red, purple,  black and blue. I don't like bright colors. They make me look fat lol... Well more than I already am..

3. Hobbies

Um.. I don't really have one. In my spare time when I'm not at work or school Im either listening to music or writing or reading or just wasting my time sleeping or watching dramas on my laptop.

4. Fav. Places

Easy. Coffee shop or somewhere quiet

5. Fav. Artist

Well I'm kpop trash. So my main one is BTS. Then we go down to BIGBANG,  EXO, GOT7, SUPER JUNIOR, SEVENTEEN,  astro and a lot more. My bias is Jimin. My little fluffball. He's an adorable mochi full of happiness :3

6. Fav. Animal

Well I have various animals that I love. But cats are my weakness. I also love koalas and sloths and penguins and bats and any type of rodents. Such as squirrels, chipmunks and such.

7. Fav. Book

I love the Harry Potter series. I've read them more than 10 times already. I also like the Fifthy Shades of Gray trilogy. The storyline is pretty interesting.

8. Fav. Song.

Well I have a lot. But I'll name my main ones.

Not today
Spring day
Blood sweat and tears
Boy meets evil
First love
All the cyphers 1-4
We are Bulletproof
Was of hormone
(Basically anything by BTS)


We like 2 party
Let's not fall in love
Love song
If you
Fantastic baby

G Dragon:

Untitled 2014
Who? You?
Super Star
Middle Fingers Up
One of a kind

Im not gonna continue cause it's a long list. Anyway

9. Fav. Movie

Right now it's Boss baby

10. Bad habit

I play with my fingers a lot

So that's it lol. Thanks for the tag MusicalxxGamer

If you happen to be reading my lame fanfic just know that I'm working on the next chapter. Hopefully you guys get into it as it goes. For now thanks to the 14 readers i think it was less but oh well lol. Thanks anyway. If you have friends that are jikook shippers or just major kpop fans tell them about my book :)


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