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Roderia Left with Dmitri, going through the back of the castle. They both were wearing armor in case this person had a dangerous weapon on him. They both walked into the chilly night, darkness enveloped almost everything except the few lamps hanging around.  Their fire flickered as the wind caught them, then continued to burn once again. Dmitri saw guards up ahead and pulled her back before she went into the lamp light.

"We are trying not to get caught, Roderia!" Dmitri whispered fiercely. But she thought that they were on our side?

"But why when-"

"No one should know who the royal assassin is because he or she could get killed. Many people hate the assassin because they sometimes kill people they loved." Dmitri finished at a low whisper. His eyes got glossy, but went away as he concentrated on Roderia.

"Just...try to hide...okay?"

Roderia nodded silently, resisting to ask him questions. Dmirti put a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her towards the gate. He ran ahead of her, moving with silence. The guards up on the gate-stand were looking out, not inside the castle so Dmitri was hidden. Roderia ran after him, also silent except for a couple of trips and steel hitting the cement. When she reached the dark angular corner Dmitri hid in, she was panting heavily from having to get up so many times so she wouldn't get caught. Dmitri gave her a go ahead signal and waited behind as she checked her surroundings. She nodded and Dmirti came. The gate was 1/4 open, just enough for her and Dmitri to squeeze through. When she started ahead, Dmitri held her back and shook his head.

Guards, he mouthed and pointed to the sky. Roderia looked up and saw guards on the castle top, looking and walking to and fro on the walls. Dmitri took out a rock and a sling shot. He showed them to Roderia, and put the rock in the rubberband strap. He pulled back and aimed it towards the wall. He shot the rock and it flew high. She saw the guards walking and then break out in running.

"Go!" He whispered as he pushed Roderia through the gate, which sqeaked a bit from opening a little.

They were out of the castle perimeter. Roderia was out. She could go over to Head Quarters, and visit Erwin, and stay there, hiding once again and then she can...

Dmitri shoved her towards the horse stable, demolishing whatever thoughts she had left. Right now, she had to train to become a good assassin. Until then, she cannot risk leaving.

The air got the heavy scent of hay and manure. Roderia's nose started itching and she fought off a sneeze.  Dmitri headed to two horses that were strapped to a pole in one of the stables. He grabbed a saddle, passed one to Roderia, and put on the preparations needed. Roderia got on her horse and held the reins with intensity. Dmitri whipped the reins and the horse slowly started to walk. Roderia kneed her horse in the sides and said a little hyah. The black mare clanked her hoofs on the cement as she followed Dmitri and his horse. They slowly passed the gates and passed the courtyard of the castle. The horses neighed and Roderia saw where they were headed to. The large sewer.

The large sewer was placed there in case mysterious weather decided to appear, tremendous rainfall, possibly one of those wind funnels from the sky. Roderia doesn't exactly remember all that happens, because she realized that their walls were place where nothing really happens except for the occasional rainfall, and lightning.

The big round metal doors that led into the sewer were opened. Little torches were set on the side of the sewer. It was always lit up, because some royals think that titans spawn mysteriously in the dark. The titans hate the dark. They love the sun, like plants do. They die without sun, but in the titan's case, they get weak. Dmitri jumped off his horse and handed Roderia his reins. He went inside the sewer to do a quick checkup, and Roderia pushed her mare into the sewer, carefully allowing the horse to go slow and steady. Dmitri gathered his reins back and galloped ahead. She heard the banging sound of his stallions hoofs clanging with the metal sewer. Roderia pursuited him and it got cold and dark. They slowly went downhill, getting more cold as it went on, until Roderia had the unpleasant memory of being left behind outside the wall.

She was on an expedition without Erwin, who was at the capital. She got hit by a titan, and fainted. Her wrist was broken, and she had a minor head injury. Liesta saved her, and ended up sacrificing herself to allow the others the chance to go on ahead, since they were trapped in a forest. Petra was in charge of Roderia, but as they were close to the wall, Roderia fall off the horse that Petra controlled. She was unconscious so she had no control over what happened. She woke up at the top of the trees, Liesta saved her. They both got hypothermia. Erwin and Levi saved them and came back to HQ. Roderia was in a coma. Liesta almost died. But both survived the troubling event.

Goose bumps rose on her arms , and Roderia Tried to rub warmth into one of the arms. Dmitri was far ahead, and she had to make her horse gallop to catch up. She saw a little bit of moonlight and knew that they were coming close to getting out.

I could run, back to Erwin. He would protect me. But she also may get him killed for holding an escapee. She is not a fugitive or anything but the Queen does want her death, in anyway possible. So Roderia kept trailing Dmitri, Keeping her surroundings in check to make sure no one is going to kill her from behind.

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