Chapter 4 - In the Dark

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Terror surged through me, gripping me in its icy clutches while the piercing talons of the wraiths clawed their way down my body. Lost in my hysteria, I missed the rock in my path and sprawled on the gravel. The sound of footsteps disappeared in the whirlwind of shrieking voices clamoring in my head.

The shadows wrapped themselves around my legs, pulling me down as I struggled to stand. Gravel dug into my knees and scraped my palms as I fought to pull away from their violent grip. Tears streaked down my cheeks and I felt myself slipping -- giving in to the force holding me down, resigning myself to my fate.

Gravel crunched beside my head, the figure of a man stepping into my sight. I scrambled backward, away from his tall form and outstretched hand. My chest heaved in gasping breaths, the screaming silencing as the shadows fled from the presence in front of me.

My eyes traveled up his tall, lean body, to eyes so green they nearly glowed in the darkness. My throat dried, my tongue sandpaper in my mouth. I had found him intriguing in the daylight, surrounded by people, but here in the dark, I wasn't sure if I wasn't more afraid of him than the shadows. The seeming power he held over them turned my insides to ice.

He stepped closer, stopping as I cowered farther away.

"Are you alright?"

I gritted my teeth. Though his presence had caused the wraiths to flee, unease still had its claws sunk deep into my mind. Alone as we were, he held all the power here; I was at his mercy, the prospects of everything he could do to me playing through my head.

"Stay the fuck away from me!"

He dropped his proffered hand, his eyes watching my every move.

"Why are you following me?" I clambered to my feet, attempting to level the power difference between us. He still towered several inches above my five foot seven height. My eyes narrowed at him. He had walked into my workplace to ask for directions to the stupid historical society -- what twenty-something-year-old would be interested in that? And now he followed me down a dim, un-treaded pathway only hours later. "Are you stalking me?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "What? Why would I -- No, I'm not stalking you. I'm sorry if I scared you."

My face crinkled as I thought about that. Of course, that had been a stupid question. I probably sounded like a paranoid moron, and if he really was a stalker, he'd have to be a pretty terrible one to tell me. My mouth formed a circle, a small 'oh' escaping my lips.

"Are you alright? You took a nasty fall there."

I nodded. "Yeah, I, uh... I guess I just kind of freaked out when I heard your footsteps. Sorta thought someone was following me and I tripped." The half-truth slithered from my lips; telling lies was second nature to me. "I'm okay, though."

His features softened, his ease seeped into me, calming me down. "Good. Again, I'm really sorry for scaring you." His fingers combed through his wavy hair, smoothing it against his head. "No offense, but is it safe for you to be walking alone at night?"

My small chuckle surprised me. "No, no it's not, really. But I wanted to get home and my boyfriend wasn't answering his phone so I decided to be stupid."

"Not to sound stalkerish --" The corner of his lips twitched into a mocking grin "-- but I could walk with you. You know, to scare away the creeps."

Not too convinced he wasn't one, I crossed my arms and pursed my lips, considering his offer. A cold wind picked up, blowing my blond hair in tangles around my face and raising goosebumps on my skin. I shivered.

"Here, you're cold." Removing his leather jacket, he held it out to me.

It was stupid, I know. Letting a stranger walk me home and wearing his jacket -- but let's face it, I was cold, and if he planned on killing me, there was nothing I could do to stop him at this point. So, I timidly accepted his offer. Wrapping the soft leather around my body, the subtle scent of pine needles and fresh rain invaded my nostrils. Snuggling deep into the jacket, I breathed in the spicy aroma, letting the warmth envelop me.

 Snuggling deep into the jacket, I breathed in the spicy aroma, letting the warmth envelop me

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Tall apartment buildings loomed around us. We were a block away from my apartment, but I didn't plan on leading him right to my front door, even though, admittedly, he seemed trustworthy enough. The entire walk he had remained a respectful distance away, giving me room to breathe. I had felt safe -- a feeling I wasn't extremely familiar with.

"Thank you for walking me." I turned to him, offering a smile with my thanks.

"You'll be okay from here?"

Frankly, I was touched by his question. He didn't come off as playing hero to a damsel in distress, rather, he showed genuine concern for my safety. Still, genuine or not, this was as close to my home as I would take him. "I'll be fine."

He smiled -- which I reciprocated before walking away. Realizing I still wore his jacket, I turned around but faced only the empty street. Checking around the corner, I turned around in circles, but he had vanished.

Thunder rumbled and the skies opened up. Rain drenched me within minutes as I stood there, the over-sized leather jacket draped over my shoulders the only thing convincing me that I wasn't truly insane; that he wasn't just a figment of my overzealous imagination. 

Does Evelyn have a creepy stalker? Will they meet again? I love hearing what you have to say, so let me know in the comments below

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Does Evelyn have a creepy stalker? Will they meet again? I love hearing what you have to say, so let me know in the comments below.

Have an awesome week!

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