Chapter 5 - Shattered Glass

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The next morning arrived the same as any other: too soon, and rudely awakening me from my much-needed slumber. I hadn't slept much at all that night, consumed as I was with the thoughts of my raven-haired stalker.

My cellphone beckoned to me, it's screen lighting up with a new message. Checking it, I discovered three missed calls and twenty-six messages from Jorden, asking me where I was and if I was alright.

Wanting to reassure him, I dialed his number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" His panicked voice came through the speaker. "I texted you as soon as I got your message asking for a ride, but you never responded."

"I'm okay. I just ended up walking home -- I waited over an hour but I never got any message from you."

"I'm sorry, babe, I was out and my phone died so I didn't get your message until I got home."

He sounded so apologetic I didn't want to upset him by telling him of my trouble, or near-trouble as it was, so I opted to give him the edited version. "It's fine, Jorden. I just walked home and fell asleep. Sorry if I freaked you out by not responding."

"Don't apologize, you work hard and need your sleep. I'm just sorry I wasn't there to pick you up so you wouldn't have to walk. But as long as you're okay -- that's all that matters to me."

A smile crept across my face as I ran my fingers through my hair, combing out the tangles in my white-blonde locks. "I love you, Jorden, but I've got to get going for work so I'm not late."

"Love you too, see you after."

Hanging up the phone, I rushed through my morning routine and scoured my fridge for breakfast. The only food I found was two-week-old rice, which went straight into the garbage pail, not my stomach.

Tired and still hungry, I walked to work. The shadows that trailed me left me thinking of the dark-haired man that chased them away.

Thoughts of him nagged at me all morning. His angular features and sexy voice frolicked around my mind even as I tried to push away those very thoughts. I didn't care how mysterious he was; I was with Jorden and I shouldn't be so caught up on another man.

My distracted daydreaming didn't go unnoticed by Chelsea who assailed me the moment I went on my break.

"Evie, what's up? You've had your head in the clouds all day. Spill."

There it was again. Her Eyebrow of Doom. I sighed inwardly, knowing she wouldn't let up until I had told her everything. If there's one thing you need to know about Chelsea, it's that she's a gossip. She lives for hearing every juicy little secret she can find, the more scandalous the better. But she's also insanely loyal. Everything I tell her is strictly confidential, and she would never judge or criticize me.

"Okay." I gave in to her piercing stare, not wanting her brown eyes to start burning holes through my head. "So, last night Jorden didn't get my message so I had to walk home."


"That guy from yesterday -- you know the one you were drooling over? -- well I ran into him and he ended up walking me home."

Her eyes widened into saucers and she let out a squeal so shrill I had to plug my ears to protect my eardrums from permanent damage. "The hot guy? With the dreamy eyes and smokin' hot bod? Oh my god girl, he is stalking you!"

"Yeah, well that's what I said."

Her deadpan stare shrunk my insides. "You actually said that to him? Like actually accused him of stalking you?"

"Well it was dark, and I was freaked out." I raised my hands in defense. "I mean, he was walking behind me down a dark path at night, what was I supposed to think?" My stomach rolled just thinking about the terror I had felt. A shiver caressed my spine, and darkness welled in the corner of my sight.

"Well I would've --" The light overhead blew with a loud pop, plunging the windowless room into darkness. "Holy shit, what the fuck was that?"

Grabbing her hand, I dragged her toward the door, wanting to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

We stepped out into the sunlit lobby, letting the door shut behind us. Chelsea calmed down, but my panic only increased as the shadows I had been ignoring all day whirled around, their indecipherable whispers clawing their way into my mind.

The entire wall of windows shattered. Customers screamed and dove away to avoid the spray of glass raining in. Chelsea and I ducked behind the counter where Ray, our coworker, huddled, covering his head.

Mr. Crowley, the fat, balding store owner, barged out of his office. "What in the Lord's name is going on out here?" His bellowing halted as he beheld the carnage. His gelatinous jaw dropping, he waddled back into his office, presumably to use the phone to call nine-one-one.

I can't be the only one who absolutely loves Chelsea - who's with me? Do you have a friend like her, are you that friend? Or, like me, do you want Chelsea to be your best friend?

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I can't be the only one who absolutely loves Chelsea - who's with me? Do you have a friend like her, are you that friend? Or, like me, do you want Chelsea to be your best friend?

I love hearing your thoughts and opinions, so don't be shy!

Hope you have an awesome weekend!

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