Chapter 47 - Lose Another

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The demons attacked, surging forward in a flurry of claws and shadows. The wraith in front of me charged, shooting a bolt of black fire.

The star tumbled from my hands as I crashed to the ground out of the line of fire, tackled by Zev who sprung back to his feet to face the beast.

All around me, chaos ruled. Outnumbered ten to one, the fae banded together, fighting the demons with every bit of strength they possessed. A breathtaking and terrible dance of shadow and light flickered throughout the room, violent in its beauty like a summer storm.

Pushing myself to my feet, I bolted toward the star lying amongst the shattered glass. With my powers still bound, I was useless in this fight. But I'd be damned if I cowered, helpless as a kitten while Zev and the others fought this losing battle.

A demon leaped at me, knocking me to the ground. Kicking and scratching, I struggled to keep its fangs from my throat as its serrated claws gouged bloody furrows into my flesh.

A bolt of light slammed into its back and it exploded into nothing. A warning shout rose to my lips as a wraith lunged for the faerie who had fired the bolt, but I was too late. Her blood splattered me in a gruesome shower of crimson as the demon shredded through her armor and she crumpled in a bloodied heap.

Bile rose in my throat and I stumbled toward the star, where it lay shining like a beacon of hope amidst the carnage. I reached it and picked it up, clutching it in both hands.

Pain seared my right leg, a wave of agony hurling me back to the floor, tearing a cry from my lips. My scream drew Zev's attention from the fight, and he turned toward me, panic glistening in his emerald eyes.

Wings flaring, he flew at the demon that had attacked me, crashing into it with a blast of light, giving it no chance to retaliate before it burst apart.

I screamed as a shadow slammed into Zev, sending him careening and blasting him with its magick. Horror surged through me as Zev collided with the stone wall behind me and fell to the ground, unmoving.

Time slowed down as my heart stumbled and stopped, and my chest caved in. My mind screamed in bitter outrage as wave after wave of terror and agony pounded down on me. I couldn't lose Zev now, not just mere minutes after my mother's funeral. I couldn't lose another person I loved to these demons.

That thought finished shattering me. I loved him and hadn't told him. With every fiber of my being, I loved him, and now I didn't know if I'd ever get the chance.

Lightning flooded my veins, and agony tore through my soul. The star still clutched in my hands flared and the icy heat burning my body intensified as its radiant light blazed through me. Brighter and brighter, the silver light flooded from my body as my power surged and broke through the barrier that had restrained them.

A shrieking cry tore from my lips, echoing my fury, love, and grief.

Wings unfurled from my back and the blinding light intensified. Beams of silver pierced through the demons, and their shadowed essences fled as they burst into nothingness.

My light flared before receding back into me, but the power flooding my veins remained. Rushing to Zev, I fell to my knees beside him and cradled his head in my lap. My violet-tinged, black wings slumped to the floor as my shoulders shook with the sobs tearing from my lungs.

A choked laugh of relief burst from my mouth as his eyelids cracked open and he took a shallow, gasping breath.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured, reaching up a shaking hand to caress my face.

A smile curved my lips, and I kissed him, stroking my hand through his raven-black hair. "I love you, Zev," I whispered against his lips.

His eyes widened, and joy lit up his features. "I love you, Evelyn."

"Don't die on me. I couldn't take it if I lost you."

Kissing me, he flashed a devastatingly charming grin. "Your wish is my command, My Queen. I'll never leave you unless you wish me to, and even then, you might find me stuck to you like glue. I'm not going anywhere."

"Good, because I'll never want you to."

After all this grief, have they finally won? Is this the final battle, or is there more to come?

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After all this grief, have they finally won? Is this the final battle, or is there more to come?

And I want to give a huge thank you to all of you amazing wonderful people who have followed Evelyn's story this far! Starlight's Heir has been consistently ranking in the Hot List for General Fiction, and is my number one most successful story on Wattpad (or anywhere) and it's all thanks to your love and support. So thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart!

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