Chapter 16 - Among the Stars

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There was so much to know. A full day's worth of information to learn, and still, there was more for Zev to tell me even as the sun set and the day drew to an end. We had spent the day talking, him telling me everything I wanted to know about Faerie culture, and more importantly, the demons he fought.

We lay on a grassy knoll beneath the emerging stars, breathing in the crisp air laden with the scent of lavender and honeysuckle which bloomed despite being out of season.

"The demons you see are just shadows because they're not truly there. Not in full," Zev said, explaining to me why the demon I had seen him defeat was different than the ones I saw daily. "What you see is just their essence because of the veil between our worlds that they can't pass through. Physically, they can't get through, which is why most humans can't see them, but they can still cause harm."

"Why was the one you fought so different? And how do you get through this veil?"

"That demon -- and others -- are powerful enough to cause a tear in the veil they can slip through. It's incredibly difficult to do but it happens, and if left unchecked, they could wreak all manners of hell on Earth -- pardon the pun. And to answer your second question, there's a gateway between this realm and the human realm -- the Shadow Gate -- which is how faeries travel between the two. On certain nights -- solstices, equinoxes, Halloween -- the gateway is open wide, and the veil weakens, making it easier to pass through, which explains how you got here without knowing."

A strangled laugh gurgled low in my throat and Zev turned his head to look at me in amusement. "Is something funny? Or are you in need of CPR? And I'll let you know, I'm considered somewhat of an expert on mouth to mouth."

"Oh yeah, and who told you that?" I snorted under my breath, holding back a laugh at his terrible double entendre. "But no, I was laughing because this is just fucking crazy. We're laying here in goddamn faerieland talking about demons and gateways between realms. It's crazy, it really doesn't make any sense, but at the same time, it's the only thing that does. It all makes my head spin, and I just wish I could sprout wings and fly away from it all. Fly so high among the stars nothing bothers me ever again."

His eyes skimmed over the dusting of stars in the navy blue sky. "You could if you were willing to learn."

My dull eyes sparked to life as my gaze snapped over to meet his. "What do you mean? I don't have wings."

"You're a faerie, you certainly do -- you just never knew so you never learned how to access them. It might take a while but I could teach you."

My heart thundered at the possibility. To fly, to taste ultimate freedom. Nothing could ever be more alluring than that. "Show me your wings." My voice came out in a breathless whisper.

He stood, pulling me up with him in one fluid movement, and unfurled his wings. Velvety black feathers fanned out behind him, the delicate arches veined with silver, buffeting the air with slow, powerful beats. "Fly with me, Evelyn," he breathed in my ear, sending hot chills down my spine as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My arms locked behind his neck, holding tight as he launched into the sky. My stomach somersaulted, giddiness filling me, bursting forth with a shout of elation. The stars glowed like liquid silver in the sky, and I loosened my grip on Zev to reach out as though to touch them, so close and bright as they were.

The wind whipped through my silvery hair, breezing across my skin. Throwing my arms out and tilting back my head, I closed my eyes, opening myself up to the joy bubbling through me. Every insecurity I had ever felt, every ounce of worry melted away from the pure bliss that consumed my soul. Even the stars glowed brighter at the sound of my laughter echoing over the treetops.

We flew amongst the stars for an eternity, and yet, as our feet finally found their way to the ground, it was too soon.

"That was amazing." My cheeks were flushed, and a light shone in my eyes as we settled back to earth and his wings curled around us, the soft velvet feathers brushing against my skin in a delicate caress.

A beautiful smile lit up his features and he brushed a strand of hair from my face, his hand lingering on my cheek. My breathing hitched as he brought his lips down to mine.

Soft and sweet, his kiss ignited a fire within me, melting my body against his muscled frame. We fit together like a puzzle piece, as though the gods themselves had crafted us to be a divine match.

This moment was so perfect, so right, it resonated to the depths of my soul.

Except, it couldn't be. How could it be right when it was so unfair to the man I had already sworn my love to? I may have run from Jorden and even ruined my chance with him but that didn't mean I should betray his love.

I pulled free of Zev's embrace with a gasp. "I can't do this. I need to go home."

He stepped back, sobering immediately. "I'll take you home then."

Tears pricked my eyes, whether at my betrayal of Jorden or for having scarred my heart in turning away from what it begged for the most -- the love of someone who knew.

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Finally a bit of peace and security for Evelyn - but what is the cost? Has she betrayed Jorden? Will he forgive her for leaving? And what about Zev?

There are so many ways this could turn out, what do you think is going to happen?

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